Mystery Reader 1

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14 Responses to Mystery Reader 1

  1. Borys says:

    It is Mrs Arnold from Y4.

  2. 14ZSharp says:

    Mrs. Arnold by any chance?

  3. 14ZSharp says:

    Ha we both got it bozza!

  4. Gail Roberts says:

    I agree with Borys and Zach that it could be Mrs Arnold from year 4. She is very good at reading stories and doing different voices but are we right.

    Whoever you are I really enjoyed listening to the story.

    Mrs Roberts.

  5. 14ibridge says:

    Mrs Arnold all the wayyy!!

  6. 14ibridge says:

    I just noticed it gives away your name at the side but hopefully nobody cheats.

  7. 14DHillidge says:

    Mrs Arnold

  8. BEN says:

    Mrs Arnold from year 4!

  9. BEN says:

    It also says at the bring and buy book sale and Mrs Arnold is the one who does the bring and buy book sale!

  10. Gail Roberts says:

    Isla how observant of you to notice mrs Arnolds name. Yes we all guessed it right. The bring and buy sale did give it away.

  11. Ajay says:

    Ajay yr5
    I knew it was Arnold beacause when Mrs Arnold said she had 2 daughters i remembered year 4

  12. Ajay says:

    Mrs Arnold year 4

    Ajay yr 5

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