12th March

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7 Responses to 12th March

  1. Class3 says:

    Dr Jenny Watson came into Year 3 to talk about the ice melting in The Antarctic and The Arctic. We did an experiment to find out where the ice is melting faster. We also did an investigation called Chromatography Atmosphere. We found about what the atmosphere is and how it protects our earth like a blanket.
    Lots of children bought in their science projects about Polar Exploration. We have displayed them outside the classroom in the corridor. Every afternoon we will be sharing our projects or carrying out science investigations.
    We all enjoy science and are looking forward to our investigation in Year 3 about who can make the strongest boat!

  2. Year 4 says:

    Year 4
    In year 4 we’ve really enjoyed science. Lots of us have brought in projects, which have lots of facts and information in.
    Sophie really enjoyed doing her project because; it was interesting and she worked hard on it all by herself. She also said it was exciting to do an experiment infront of people and not know if it is going to work. Nathan really enjoyed doing his experiment, he loved presenting things to the class and seeing them being facinated by his work.
    We also learned about different polar animals and have done lots of other fun experiments.

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 have enjoyed science week and all the practical experiments. They looked at how germs are carried and spread if you don’t wash your hands. We did an experiment with a piece of bread to prove that washing hands before touching food is vital. The bread we touched with our dirty hands went mouldy whereas the bread we left cleaned stayed free of germs.
    We tested out materials to see if they would float or sink, predicting what would happen and then tested to find out what happened. We recorded our results. It was great fun.
    We used different grabbing tools to test what we could pick up easily or with difficulty. We talked about the results.
    We also made bread to link with our work on the Great Fire of London this week. We observed the changes and talked about what happened to the yeast when warm water was added and the bread was baked. We loved eating the bread rolls!!!
    Some of the children brought in their science projects from home and shared them in school. They found out about the moon, germs, rivers and oceans and rainbows.
    We also enjoyed listening to Dr Jenny Watson and she answered lots of our questions.

  4. Year 5 says:

    Some of year 5 have shared some of their amazing presentations with the class. We learnt about the negative effects that sugar can have on the body. We also learnt how antibiotics work and about stars in space. Ethan learnt that stars are not just made of fire, but constant chemical reactions and gas.
    In assembly, we learnt about Antarctic explorers. We also learnt that the dead sea is the saltiest sea and that you can float in it.
    We have enjoyed presenting our projects and sharing what we have learnt. We also enjoyed completing experiments. We really enjoyed learning more about science and experimenting outside of science lessons.

  5. Foundation says:

    So far this week we have been predicting and observing how a range of different materials behave in water and finding out whether they float or sink. We have used ice, wooden cubes, polystyrene, satsumas, glass beads and many more. We have used nearly all of our senses to explore them and talk about them first before making a prediction about how they will behave in the water. We have really enjoyed carrying out this exploration, in Foundation 2 we are also looking forward to using different tools to pick up objects so that we may find out about how sea creatures have adapted to the food that is around them. We love exploring!

  6. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 had a great week celebrating SCIENCE! 18 children brought in projects they had done at home with mum and dad! What fun!
    Dr Jenny Watson came to talk to us about animal adaptations and how polar bears and penguins have blubber to protect them from the freezing cold water at the North and South Poles. We did the experiment BLUBBER GLOVES to see how well fat protected our hands from very cold water. It was fun. See the Year 2 BLOG for our photos!
    We had a great week!

  7. Year 6 says:

    Here are some of the experiments Year 5/6 completed together:
    -Salty seas – the egg sunk in a cup of water but when we added salt the egg floated because the salt made the water not dense.
    -Blubber gloves – we covered one hand in margarine and put it in cold water. This was warmer than when we put in our hand with nothing on. This is like the fat that animals have in cold climates and it helps them stay warm.
    -Making a diver – we got a pen lid and added a paperclip and plasticine. It floated in the bottle and when we squeezed the bottle it sunk. This was because the water went up into the air bubble in the pen lid.

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