Signs of Autumn

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22 Responses to Signs of Autumn

  1. Nathan Little says:

    In grandmas garden the leaves have started to fall off the trees and there are lots of acorns too. Lots of the leaves are changing colour aswell. It’s a lot darker than it was. I like autumn because it is going to be Christmas soon.

  2. Ethan says:

    I like Autumn because I enjoy collecting conkers and acorns.

    On my way to school there are lots of colourful leaves on the floor, I like kicking them.

  3. Toby says:

    Toby likes Autumn because you can collect conkers with your family and spend time sweeping leaves in the garden.

  4. Riley O'Connor says:

    Riley said the leaves change colour into browns, yellows, reds and orange then they fall off the trees. He also said it goes dark before he goes to bed now. Riley loves autumn because he loves to kick the leaves that have fallen to the ground.

  5. Imogen says:

    Imogen says you can tell that autumn has arrived because the leaves are turning from green to red, brown and yellow. It is also getting darker much earlier.
    Imogen likes autumn because she can stomp in and kick the leaves up in the air.

  6. Lee says:

    We know summer is ending when leaves fall off the trees & it gets dark early at night.
    I like autumn as I can collect conkers. My grandad drills holes in them so we can play conker bash.

  7. oscar barwick says:

    Oscar noticed the leaves are all different colours – especially brown and red colours.
    He also said they are falling off the trees onto the floor.
    Oscar likes autumn because of the colours of the leaves.

  8. Ellie board says:

    I can tell Autumm has arrived as the leaves have changed colour and are falling from the trees, summer is over as its getting colder.

  9. Sebastian Backhaus says:

    Sebastian said he loves Autumn because there are lots of confers to pick. He said all the leaves have changed colour and are falling from the trees.
    He also said it’s turning cold and he can’t wear his shorts anymore much to his disappointment.

  10. Leah says:

    I like stomping on the fallen leaves on the way to scool . I tiped this

  11. Lily-grace says:

    I can see the leeves fall off the tres.

  12. Scarlett says:

    Acorns and conkers falling off trees and the leaves are turning crispy

  13. Olivia P says:

    Livy says… it’s dark in the mornings, and the night is longer, we found conkers, there are lots of different colour leevs (written by Mum with help from Livy!)

  14. Harry says:

    The leaves change colour. They change from green to red, gold and orange. The squirrels collect and hide the acorns to eat in the winter. I like Autumn because it is nearly Halloween and I like making scary pumpkins.

  15. Chloe says:

    Chloe has noticed that it is starting to get dark earlier. Also she likes kicking the leaves that are falling off the trees. We have seen lots of acorns and conkers on our way to school too. As it is also getting cooler Chloe will have to wear a warmer coat.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Haris says I can see leaves are falling down and they are changing colour from green to orange and I like autumn because I can collect loads of leaves and make a huge piles

  17. Haris says says:

    Haris says I can see leaves are changing colour from green to orange and I like autumn so I can make huge piles of leaves in the garden.

  18. Hattie-Bluebell says:

    i like looking at the leaves wen they fall off the trees.
    Hattie 🙂

  19. Luke says:

    Luke like autumn because the nights are darker & cosy, it also means bonfire night & Christmas aren’t far away!

    Luke looked in the garden & noticed the leaves were turning orange & brown & that the days were getting cooler.

  20. Sophie Ismay says:

    Sophie likes to catch the leaves falling from the trees in autumn! Soph also Likes wrapping up nice and warm in her winter coat to go out and play, there are lots of conkers to find in the autumn!

  21. Ava says:

    Ava said she knows summer is over and autumn is here because the leaves have fallen off the trees and because she likes collecting acorns and conkers. It also gets darker earlier and the builders don’t get as much work done before it gets dark!

  22. Oliver Roberts says:

    Oliver said because the leaves fall off the trees and likes autumn because he likes to carve a pumpkin

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