17th July

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7 Responses to 17th July

  1. s14jhine says:

    Charlotte has a joke that made us laugh: ” Why is six scared of seven?” …”Because 7 ate 9!”

    Freddie also has a joke “What do you call a man Ironing his clothes? ….”Ironman!”

    Barnaby learnt a joke from his brother that Mr Seal taught him! “Why did Adel cross the road?” … “To say hello from the other side!”

    Everyone playing together makes u feel happy.

    When we have fun lessons like PE and Art.

    Our pets make us happy!

    Having nice teachers.

    Family makes us happy!

    teddies make us happy!

  2. Dave the donut says:

    My cat (Tiger) makes me feel happy.
    Going to Condover Hall with year 6 and 5 has made me happy.
    Just smiling at people can make people happy.

    My joke is: A thief broke into my house last night… he started looking for money so
    I woke up and started helping him.

  3. Year 1 says:

    James and Dylan are happy when the sun shines.
    Archie is happy when he goes in his hot tub!
    Zachary and Gracie are happy when their Mummies give them a cuddle.
    Riley and Jacob are happy when they go to a disco.
    Sam loves eating chocolate ice cream.
    Georgia loves eating cake.
    Lily is happy when her friends are kind to her.
    Playing tennis makes Zeb happy.
    Connor likes to go on holiday.

    This year Maths in school has made Anaya and Gracie happy.
    Charlie loved the trip to the safari park.
    Jack loved the sport and football skills training.
    Sam said that doing grammar was his favourite.

    Isla G – What do you call a deer with no eye?
    No idea!
    Sam- What is the scariest thing in the zoo?
    Bam BOO!
    Jacob-Why cant Elsa have a balloon?
    She might let it go!

  4. Year 2 says:

    What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? Dunnosaur!
    Knock Knock. Whose there? Boo. Boo Who? You don’t need to cry about it!
    Why couldn’t the chicken cross the road? Because he had chewing gum stuck to his foot!”
    Why did the man put his radio in the freezer? Because he wanted to listen to cool music!
    Why did Poplio cross the road? To get to the other tide!
    Knock knock. Who’s there? A cow goes. A cow goes who? A cow goes mooo!
    Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the mooooovies
    What goes black and white down the hill? A cow rolling down
    How do you get blastoise on the bus? Poke-em-on!
    Knock Knock. Who’s there? Nunya. Nunya who? Nunya business!
    What do you call a lobster in a shell? Shellfish!
    What do you call an exploding ape? A BABOOM!

    Year 2 have absolutely tons of jokes to share to make everyone happy! In fact they have even more than we can fit on this blogpost!

  5. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 shared some of the things that make them happy. They also reflected on what has made them happy this year:

    Kya is happy when she plays with her brothers, sisters and friends.
    Tianna – Mae really enjoyed going to the Sealife Centre. She remembers lots of people laughing in the tunnel.
    Charlie remembers being cheered up by Jacob C when he was sad about his dog.
    Georgia M was happy when her friend helped her to feel better after falling over.
    Daisy W and |Chloe are happy when they play with their friends and family.
    Raja feels happy when it is his birthday.
    Satra has been happy this year learning to play the viola.
    Ella said Poppy Jones has really cheered up her up when she has felt sad.

    Here are some jokes from year 4:

    What do you call a sausage rolling down the hill?

    A sausage roll.

    What key do you put in a banana?

    A monkey!

    What is black when it’s clean and white when it is dirty?

    A blackboard.

    How do you keep a gorilla in suspense?

    I will tell you tomorrow.

    Why did the did cross the road?

    To find a barking space.

  6. Foundation says:

    The children were excited to share all the things that made them hapy, here are some of the responses:
    Ellie said “When my Mumy is kind to me and lets me have toys and when she gives me hugs and kisses.”
    Freddie said he was happy when he got a big hug from his Mummy.
    Haris said “When my big brother tickles me.”
    Chloe said she felt really happy today because her sister Keira had lots of presents for her birthday.
    Sophie said she is happy when Chloe comes to her house to play.
    Riley said he is hapy when it rains because the pond fills up with water for the ducks.
    Maisie was really happy when Ellie’s little brother smiled at her.

    The children all agreed that playing with each other was a great way to make others happy, as well as smiling at them.

    The children then practised telling jokes to their learning partner to try and make them laugh. Here are some examples:
    Why did the banana go to the doctors? Because he wasn’t peeling very well!
    Knock, knock?
    Who’s there?
    Cow who?
    Cow moo.

  7. Year 6 says:

    Things that make us happy:
    – Donuts
    – Slime
    – Spending time with my family
    – Helping animals
    – Spending time with my friends
    – Dancing
    – Nice food
    – Having pets
    – Playing on devices
    – Admiring cars
    – Helping people
    – Being loved

    Ways we help other people feel happy:
    – Including people
    – Spending time with them
    – Being friends with them
    – Making them laugh
    – Comforting them

    Things that have made me happy at school this year:
    – Going on school trips
    – Making new friends
    – Playing on the field
    – Having special dinners
    – Funny lessons
    – Playing with my friends
    – School events e.g. discos
    – Practising the leavers play

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