The Rainbow Fish Part II

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28 Responses to The Rainbow Fish Part II

  1. Sebastian Backhaus says:

    Sebastian enjoyed the books The Treasure Chest & Commotion in the ocean. He liked Commotion in the ocean the best as it has all his favourite animals in.
    Sebastian has learnt facts about two of his favourite sea creatures.
    Their long flat bill looks like a sword
    They prefer warmer water
    The females are bigger than males
    They have no teeth
    They have big eyes
    They are one of the fastest fish in the ocean
    Great White Sharks
    They are the largest and most fierce in ocean
    They have three major fins
    Dorsal at the top
    Pectoral at the sides
    Caudal at the tail
    They eat seals
    A baby great white shark is called a pup

    Sebastian loves anything to do with sea creatures it’s his favourite so will enjoy becoming a mini-marine biologist.

  2. Hattie-Bluebell says:

    Hattie is really interested in Sea turtles, so this was the sea creature she wanted to find out more about. We watched a lovely clip on Youtube of the baby turtles hatching (worth a watch) and making their way to sea. Some of the things that we found out are:
    The Sea Turtles very rarely leave the water unless it is to lay their eggs
    They dig out a nest in the sand and this is where they lay their eggs
    When the young turtles hatch they make their way straight to the ocean
    Turtles are not able to hide there legs and heads in the same way as a tortoise can πŸ™‚

    • Mrs Turner says:

      The video sounds fascinating, if you are able to please can you email the link to the office and we will share the video with the children. πŸ™‚

  3. Fraser Jamieson says:

    Ava learned about starfish. She learned that starfish are not actually fish, that they come in lots of colours and can have five or many more arms. They also eat with their stomach inside out. But our favourite fact was that they have a little cute face and eyes at the end of each arm!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      You have learned lots of interesting facts Ava, great work! Do you know what happens if a starfish’s arm is damaged?

  4. Zach says:

    We talked about the different types of sea creatures; fish, turtles, jellyfish, sharks, dolphins, crabs, starfish. Zach choose to learn an interesting fact about dolphins. Dolphins eat fish and have a blow hole on the top their head to breathe and they spray water out of it.

  5. Olivia Padgett says:

    Olivia found out about her two favourite sea creatures from the Sea Life Centre. She found out that the largest Hammerhead Shark can grow to be 6 metres in length. She also found out that the smallest turtle is only 8cm long.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      We shall need to use a ruler and a tape measure to compare the different sizes, we may need to do that in the outdoor space!

  6. Phoebe Woodcock says:

    Phoebe chose a sea horse as her sea creature. She found out that they have no teeth or stomachs and that the daddies care for the babies.

  7. Louise Payne ( Grandma) says:

    Joseph has learnt about a starfish, a whale blowing water out of a blow hole, sea horses and a shark with very sharp teeth.

    The whale and the shark open their mouths and eat small fish.

  8. Lee and Libby Wright says:

    We discovered seahorses. Their eyes can work independently of one another and a baby seahorse is called a fry.

  9. Maisie Woodward says:

    Maisie wanted to talk about Jelly Fish and learnt these interesting facts:

    1) Some Jelly Fish are bigger than humans
    2) Jelly Fish sting
    3) They have no brains
    4) Some have eyes
    5) They eat small plants and small fish

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Those are very interesting facts Maisie, I don’t think I would like to meet a jellyfish, especially if it was bigger than me!

  10. Joseph Swain says:

    Chimps Blog. Challenge.

    Joseph Swain has learnt about whales, sharks, starfish, crabs and sea horses and we printed out pictures to put in his bag

    He learnt that whales have a blow hole and blow out water, sharks have sharp teeth and that they eat smaller fish.

  11. Matilda Stiles says:

    Matilda chose a shark as her sea creature to learn about. Matilda and her daddy found some facts about sharks and have drawn a lovely picture of a shark in the sea and written the facts on the picture. The picture is in Matildas wallet for her to show to the class

  12. Dylan's Mommy says:

    Dylan’s chosen sea creature is a sea horse.

    Sea horses can change colour very quickly and can match any surroundings in which it finds itself.

    Sea horses have excellent eyesight and their eyes are able to work independently on either side of their head, this means they can see forwards and backwards at the same time. This is a skill I would find very useful!!!

  13. Archie higgins says:

    Archie likes looking at the star fish also known as sea stars!
    He likes these as they are shaped like a star!
    We found out that Starfish aren’t social creatures and they spend most of their life alone.
    They like to eat mollusks like clams, oysters and snails. And they have an impressive way of eating! After attaching its body to the chosen prey, the starfish extends its stomach out through its mouth.

  14. Amy Gilbert says:

    Lenny wanted to learn about lobsters as his sea creature, this is because on holiday Lenny visited a lobster hatchery! He learnt that in the wild lobster mommies have around 20,000 babies but sadly only one will become a fully grown adult and the lobsters live at the bottom of the sea in crevices or burrows.

    Lenny loved visiting the lobster hatchery, especially because ther was a fishing game!!

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