27th March 2017

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20 Responses to 27th March 2017

  1. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 remembered that the parts of the egg were the yolk, shell, white and the membrane. They remembered that when Jesus died on the cross it was like the egg being broken. They remembered that the yolk is the part of the egg that has all the goodness and power inside like Jesus when he came back to life.
    All the children are looking forward to their Easter holidays.
    Keeleigh is looking forward to eating Easter eggs. Archie is going on holiday to Italy and is very excited. Jacob is going to have an Easter egg hunt at his Grandad’s. Milly is going to see her Nanny and Grandad’s new lodge. Isla B will be celebrating her birthday over the holiday. Adah is going to a cottage with her cousins and can’t wait! Oliver is going on holiday to Cornwall with his Grandparents and cousins and Hannah is going to Devon.
    The children said that eating eggs is a time to remember new life and remembering what happened to Jesus at Easter time.

  2. Foundation says:

    The children in Foundation have begun learning about the Easter story this week. The children have been inspired to make crosses using uni-fix cubes and drawing pictures of Jesus. The children are beginning to associate Spring and new life with the story of Easter and are very much looking forward to receiving chocolate eggs. We will continue to learn about the story and traditions associated with Easter over the next two weeks as well as the significance of the giving and receiving of chocolate eggs. Lots of children said that the Easter Bunny will be bringing their chocolate eggs. Some children said that they will be receiving gifts at Easter time and other children are very excited as they will be havign an Easter egg hunt.

  3. EJones says:

    The main parts of the egg were the shell, white, yolk and membrane. These parts of the egg relate to the easter story as when jesus died on the cross, it was like an egg being broken. The yolk was like all of the goodness that was inside jesus when he came back to life. I am looking forward to the easter holidays because I am going down to london. I think that I will have lots of easter eggs because I have kind and generous family and friends. Again, the egg represents some of the easter story and when we brake to egg to eat it, it was like when jesus died on the cross.

  4. Year 4 says:

    The different parts of the egg we can remember the egg being broken represented Jesus dying on the cross. The yolk represented Jesus coming back to life and the power he had.

    Kya is going to watch films and eat chocolate.

    Satra is going to Devon with her family

    Chloe told us about how in France, she normally looks for an egg in the garden which is put there by her parents. The egg is almost about to hatch and when it does, the family enjoy the company of the chick for a day before giving it to a farm. Here in England she will be spending Easter eating lots of chocolate.

    Holly will be spending the time in her parents pub and will be helping to organise an Easter egg hunt there.

    Tianna-Mae will be going to her Nan’s house for an Easter dinner. She will also be spending some time with family in Cornwall.

    Blake will be going on a camping trip with his family.

    Lily will be doing an Easter egg hunt at her house.

    Jack will be doing an Easter egg hunt at his house and playing on computer games.

    Mrs Arnold will be going to Brighton for Easter and also to her family caravan in the Cotswolds.

    Everyone will be having chocolate eggs. We think that we have chocolate eggs because the egg represents new life but chocolate is indulgent and enjoyable so is a perfect treat to celebrate with.

  5. Year 2 says:

    In Year 2 we have been learning more about the Easter story in RE. We have talked about the events of Easter Week and the story about Jesus and his friends before he was taken. Year 2 found the thoughts from Reverend Vicky interesting about the egg and how she explained this to represent Easter. THe children could remember each part of the story.
    In class Ben explained that Easter is about Jesus dying and that he had to do it so people [Christians] can have forgiveness.
    Each of us in Year 2 celebrate Easter in different ways. We all agreed that we are looking forward to celebrating with some chocolate! Some children have remembered that Easter is the end of Lent.

  6. Freddie says:

    I think everyone will have Easter eggs because an egg is broken like when Jesus died on the cross and the egg cannot come back to together same as Jesus and the yolk the centre of the egg cannot be broken like when Jesus came back to life.

  7. Alfie says:

    The parts of the egg are there were yolk ,shell ,white and membrane. It represented Jesus on the cross like the broken egg. The yolk was the powerful and goodness it was like Jesus. Callista cracked the eggs and wisked the yolk and it turned white and froffy. I am looking forward to the Easter holidays and I think I wil get chocolate Easter eggs.

  8. Ethan Hopkins says:

    The different parts of the egg were the yolk, shell, white and membrane. The broken egg represented Jesus dying on the cross.

    I mite go to Devon this year whith my family and go to the caravan site and it will be grate and we go on the Warter slide and
    It is cool.

  9. 14bbaker says:

    The different parts of the egg were the yolk,membrane,white and the shell. The broken egg represented Jesus on the cross,and the goodness of the egg was Jesus when he was reborn.this Easter hopefully I will go to the bungalow and eat chocolate eggs.

  10. Marco year 5 says:

    Reverant viki said to us what the different parts of the egg and they were the yolk,shell and Wight of the membrane .

    Reverent viki shown us that the egg cracking is representing Jesus dying on the cross.
    This Easter we will be going on a trip to dawlish I can’t wait .
    We will have Easter eggs because I saw them when I was ill .

  11. Stanley c says:

    In assembly rev Vicky showed us how to separate an egg. This represented Jesus being broken and dying on the cross.
    The layers of an egg is the shell , membrane , the white and the yolk

  12. Toby says:

    The parts of the egg are the shell yolk,white and membrane.When the egg broke it was like Jesus dying on the cross and the yolk represented the new life of Jesus.This Easter I will stay at home and play on the PlayStation I think I will get Easter eggs this year

  13. Harry says:

    The differant parts of the egg were the yolk , shell ,white and the memory .When the egg was broke it represented Jesus dying on the cross.The yolk is the good part.

  14. 14eallberry says:

    I liked it when Rev Vici came in and told us about Easter and Good Friday. The parts of the egg were the Outer membrane, the Inner membrane, the shell, the yoke, , the air capsules, and the membrane. This Easter my family and I are going down to Kent for three days and two nights. I think I will get Easter eggs.

  15. Tyler Inman says:

    The different parts of the egg were the yolk, the White , the shell, and the membrane. The yolk related to the Easter story by showing how Jesus rose again and had lot’s of power. This Easter I will be having a egg hunt and I also may be having some friends and family over to celebrate. I don’t think I will be having any Easter eggs this year unless my mum has got my favourite type of chocolate egg. We have chocolate eggs because it is symbolic.

  16. Sabain Kirk year 5 says:

    The main parts of the egg were the shell, yolk, white and the membrane.
    The cracked egg represents when Jesus died on the cross and the yolk represents when Jesus came back to life because of all of the protein and goodness in it.
    I am going to Ireland to see my family.
    I think my family might get me some Easter eggs.
    I think that we eat chocolate at Easter because it is the end of lent

  17. 14ecanning says:

    I think we have chocolate Easter eggs because some people think that a egg represents Jesus on the cross he died on the cross so if you brake a egg you it represents him being broken.
    This Easter I will be having some family come round for a Easter lunch and tea.
    This year I think I will have some Easter eggs .

  18. 14chaines says:

    I think we have Easter eggs because I remember the Monday assembly learning about parts of a egg and they represent Jesus dying on the cross he was broken and I know a egg brakes.
    I think I will have some Easter eggs this year.

  19. Year 6 says:

    The parts of the egg we remember are: the yolk, the shell, the egg white, cords and air. These parts relate to the easter story because the egg was like the tomb and when the egg cracked it was like the tomb being moved to the side. Jesus’s body was broken like the egg was broken. The shell of the egg was like the tomb.

    We think you have chocolate eggs at Easter time because it represents the easter story.

  20. Year 3 says:

    We are all looking forward to the Easter break! The children talked about all the fun things they are going to do during Easter. Year 3 talked about the Easter story and said:
    Ted- The egg relates to the Easter story , it is about bringing in new life. each layer of the egg represents Jesus being taken to the cross.
    Zack – When you take an egg apart, it can’t be put back again just like Jesus.
    Oliver- There were 8 parts of an eg, just like the story of Jesus before he died on the cross.

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