20th March 2017

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8 Responses to 20th March 2017

  1. Year 2! says:

    When we were looking at the happy pictures we all felt good because everything was alive and healthy. When we looked at the second set of pictures we felt like it was a very bad environment and that we or animals could die.
    They made us feel different because the first set were lovely and the second set weren’t very nice. some people don’t care or take it seriously. We could stop cutting down trees and pick up litter. We should recycle our rubbish!

  2. Year 4 says:

    In class we spoke about biodiversity and the fact that it means we have a different make up to animals and nature. We are all different and all very important. The clocks go forward this weekend so we can make the most of daylight.

    When we looked at the first pictures we felt happy and peaceful. When we looked at the second set of pictures we felt:

    Emma – Sad because countries are polluted
    Ethan – Unhappy because people were just throwing things into the water
    Jacob C -Really upset becuase trees are being chopped down meaning animals would have nowhere to live.

    We have decided as a class that we could make posters about saving animals because they are important. We could do a special assembly about animals and the world and how to care for them. We should think twice about our actions and plant trees to replace those which we chop down.

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved looking at the pictures in set 1 and said that when they looked at all of them it made them feel happy. In set 2 they said the pictures made them feel unhappy and worried as the environment didn’t look so nice.
    We shared the powerpoint on Bio diversity and year know that this means the variety of life living and sharing the earth.
    We watched the clip about water and how important clean fresh water is to everybody to keep people healthy, educated, in work and achieving a good standard of living. Year 1 talked about how difficult it must be for women in some parts of Africa and SE Asia to carry water along way to get water to their families for survival and the problem of dirty water.

    We talked about ways we can care for the environment. Archie said it was important that we didn’t drop litter and that if we saw litter on the ground we should pick it up and put it in the bin. Adah said it would be a good idea to make posters and signs to remind people to put their litter in the correct place. Isla said recycling was a good way to cut down on waste in landfill sites and we should do more of this. Alice said we should walk or scoot to school and use our cars less to cut down on pollution. Zachary said we should save energy and turn the lights out. A few children suggested giving money to help with water projects in developing countries.
    Year 1 know that the clocks go forward this weekend so we have an hour less in bed!

  4. s14jhine says:

    Year 5 talked about how they felt when they were in assembly and saw the contrast in the pictures.

    Ines felt we were lucky to live in such a lovely world when she saw the first pictures. However, when Ines saw the slides showing our world in a less favourable light, she felt sad and said we need to do our bit to help the environment.

    Harry didn’t think the polar bear picture was funny because he knew it was a serious picture that shows the problems of climate change.

    We talked about biodiversity and how it is compromised when people are irresponsible with the worlds resources. It affects plant and animal life.

  5. Emily yr6 says:

    When I looked at the 1st set of pictures I felt happy but as I looked at the 2nd set, I felt sad and guilty. Looking at the pictures it is hard to believe that in some parts of the world, the environment is not nice. Most of the world look after it but some don’t. To care for the environment, we could pick up litter and stop cutting down trees. To prevent cutting down trees, it is important to know that paper comes from trees and if we waste that, in a way we are wasting trees and killing wildlife.

    This weekend, the clocks go forward. at 3:00pm tomorrow, it will be 4:00 pm next week. The clocks go forward by an hour.

  6. Year 6 says:

    When we look at the first pictures we feel:
    – happy
    – thankful

    When we look at the second pictures we feel:
    – sad
    – worried
    – ashamed

    To care for the environment we can:
    – stop littering
    – stop vandalising
    – stop destroying habitats
    – stop cutting down as many trees
    – stop wasting paper
    – be thankful for what we have got because some people don’t even have access to clean water let alone an education
    – plant more trees
    – walk more to help prevent pollution

  7. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 really liked the first set of pictures.
    The planet is calm and clean. It looks healthy, fresh and beautiful.It is a healthy world with no pollution but the second set of pictures shows our planet very differently.
    There is pollution everywhere, with rubbish and waste thrown into the rivers aand seas. This is still the world we live in but people are not looking after it. Trees are being cut down and animals are losing their homes.
    We all need to look after our world so that it is a beautiful place for everyone. Not just for the people but the animals, plants and birds as well.

  8. Foundation says:

    In our Foundation/Key Stage 1 assembly this week we thought about rubbish and it’s effects on the animals and the environment. The children looked at a range of items that are thrown away on a regular basis these were: Newspaper, banana skin, a nappy, a plastic bag and a plastic bottle. Each item breaks down at a different rate and the children had a go at putting them in order from shortest to longest. The children correctly ordered the banana skin and the newspaper and Zachary and Ross in Year 2 were knew how many years it would take for them to break down. The children were very shocked that a single nappy would take 100 years to break down and we talked about the possible alternatives to using disposable nappies. The biggest shock however, was the information that a plastic bottle will never break down which is why it is so important to recycle them and re-use the plastic elsewhere. The children definitely preferred seeing the first set of pictures that Miss Mason showed on Monday morning, and now the children can help keep Cheswick Green cleaner and greener!

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