The Gingerbread Man 2017

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30 Responses to The Gingerbread Man 2017

  1. Lee & Libby wright says:

    We had two tubs and some bourbons ( our favorite).
    The predictions were small tub. Libby 4 Lee 10 it held 8
    Bigger tub . Libby 10 Lee 14 it held 26

    They both enjoyed eating a few

  2. Matilda Stiles says:

    We watched the ginger bread man story on YouTube before bed last night, Matilda liked joining in with ‘run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man’! We found a container and we had some yummy Oreo biscuits (Matilda’s favourites!) Matilda looked at the container and used her finger to count how many spaces she thought there were for the biscuits. She counted 7 spaces! We then filled it with the biscuits and managed to fit 6 in, so Matilda’s guess was pretty close, she was very happy that there was a spare biscuit for her to eat! We will email a photo for you to see.

  3. Olivia P says:

    We chose 2 boxes – Livy guessed that only one biscuit would fit in the smaller container but it actually fitted three. She guessed five would fit in the larger container but it actually fitted 10! We thought that looking at the sizes of the biscuits and containers even more carefully would help us to have a closer estimate.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      It can be tricky to start with, but with more practice it will get easier. I am pleased you challenged yourself and used two different sized containers. 🙂

  4. Oliver Roberts says:

    Oliver guessed that he could fit six biscuits in a container, then I asked him to fill it up. Oliver then counted the biscuits until the container was full and fitted twenty one biscuits in the container. Then I asked Oliver if his guess was the same, nearly the same or very different. Oliver then told me his guess was very different and had a biscuit!

  5. Lily-grace says:

    Today we completed this challenge using marsh mellows and a small container. Lily guesssed that five marsh mellows would fill the container, mommy guessed seven and daddy nine! We counted them going in and it took nine marsh mellows to fill the container! Well done daddy!!

  6. Phoebe Woodcock says:

    Phoebe picked two tubs, a large one and a small one. She estimated that ten biscuits would fit in the large tub, the actual number was seven. She estimated six biscuits in the smaller tub, the actual number was four. She enjoyed eating the biscuits after!

  7. Charlie Wells says:

    Charlie enjoyed this challenge – mainly because it involved biscuits! He saw the 1st container and guessed 4 but it was in fact 14 so a little off. On the second container he guessed 10 and it was 12 so much closer this time when he got used to being creative with how he put the biscuits in the container

  8. Luke says:

    Luke estimated how many biscuits he could fit in 2 different size containers, the first container he guessed 4 biscuits would fit in but we actually got 8 in!! The second container was bigger & Luke guessed he’d fit 13 biscuits in & he was correct.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      It is good to estimate and test using different containers and objects, well done Luke for estimating correctly on your second attempt.

  9. Archie higgins says:

    Archie’s estimated how many biscuits were in the Tin. He guessed 5 when there was 9.

  10. Lenny Gilbert says:

    Lenny estimated how many chocolate digestive biscuits he could fit into the container –
    His guess was 5 biscuits and Lenny could actually fit 6 biscuits inside the container! So his guess was very close, he was especially pleased when he got to eat 1 of the biscuits!!

  11. Eliza Wroughton says:

    Eliza estimated 30 biscuits would fit in the jar, the actual answer was 33 (minus the one she ate!). So nearly the same – good guess!

  12. Zach says:

    Zach really enjoyed this story. We used a small container and Zach guessed he could fit two biscuits into it, when he counted he found he could fit six biscuits into the container.

  13. Dylan's Mommy says:

    After a few silly answers, Dylan’s final guess was 19. The answer was 27, not sure I would have guessed correctly either!

  14. Ethan Jeffery says:

    We did two games, one was guessing how many pieces of Lego we could get into a bowl, Ethan guessed 10, the answer was 8 so very close. The other was guessing how many biscuits we could get into a container, Ethan guessed 9 and there were 8, very close again

  15. Alexander says:

    Alexander loved the Gingerbread man story.he joined in and we had a good fun. Alexander had two containers:a small one and a bigger one . He said in the smaller one he would fit 9 biscuits and he was right. He said in the bigger one he can fit 20. He was right again although he had to squeeze them in a bit:)

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