Windy Weather

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22 Responses to Windy Weather

  1. Oliver Reynolds says:

    The Wind: by Patricia Gable
    Something that I cannot see,
    makes a leaf dance in the tree
    Makes me hair fly in my face
    Takes the ball for me to chase
    Here it is, and there it goes….
    Every time the wind blows.
    Oliver enjoyed this poem. He enjoys the words, especially “takes the ball for me to chase” (line 4)

  2. Milly says:

    The wind came out to play one day,
    He swept the clouds out of his way,
    He blew the leaves and away they flew,
    The trees bent low and their branches did too,
    The wind blew the great big ships at sea,
    The wind blew my kite away from me.

  3. Megan says says:

    I have a book of poems called ‘Out and About’ and this is one of my favourites poems.


    Dark clouds,
    Rain again,
    Rivers on the
    Misted pane,
    Wet umbrellas,
    In the street,
    Running noses,
    Damp feet.

  4. Mrs Rooke says:

    The song of the wind. Anon

    I rush and I swirl
    I twist and I twirl
    I blow and I laugh with glee.
    And the grass and the waves
    And the clouds are tossed,
    Bent and lifted and scattered and tossed
    And all by me, by me.

    • Year 1 says:

      Mrs Rooke
      Thank you for sending us a lovely poem. We really miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.
      Love Year 1

      • Mrs Rooke says:

        I’m glad you liked my poem, I have enjoyed reading yours too. I need more of you to go on the blog so that I can read lots more poems. Lets see if everyone can go on the blog this week, it would be a lovely surprise for me.
        I am looking forward to coming back to school. Hopefully next Wednesday.
        Until then work hard and enjoy learning about the weather.

  5. Isla Brown says:

    What is fluffy?
    What is White?
    What can you see
    When skies are bright?
    What can float?
    What brings rain?
    What may be higher
    Than a bird or a plane?
    Say it out load

  6. James NORRIS says:

    A winter morning poem – by Ogden Nash

    Smooth and clean and frosty white,
    The world looks good enough to bite.
    That’s the season to be young
    Catching snowflakes on your tongue!

  7. Isla Brown says:

    What is fluffy?
    What is white?
    What can you see
    When skies are bright?
    What can float
    What brings rain?
    What may be higher
    Than a bird or plane?
    Say it loud

  8. Jacob says:

    What is fluffy?
    What is white?
    What can you see
    When skies are bright?
    What can float?
    What brings rain?
    What can be higher
    Than a bird or a plane?
    Say it loud

    Jacob thought this was a really good poem because it gives you clues.

  9. Archie Kinsey says:

    Rain rain go away,
    Come again another day.

    People sing this when it’s raining.

  10. Mrs Rooke says:

    Here’s another poem for you. This one is about the rain.

    The rainy day.

    ‘Twas such a cold and windy day,
    The rain was splashing down,
    It rained upon our window pain,
    It rained upon the town.

    I looked and hoped for hours and hours,
    But still it did not stop.
    It kept on splashing, splashing, splashing,
    Plip,plop-plip,plop-plip, plop!

    But then the sun began to shine,
    And all was bright and gay;
    The flowers peeped up to say hello,
    And greet the sparkling day.

  11. Alice jones says:

    Look in the sky the birds can’t fly because it’s raining.

  12. lily-mae says:

    wind on the hill by Alan Alexander Milne:-

    no one can tell me
    nobody knows
    where the wind comes from
    where the wind goes.

    Its flying from somewhere
    as fast as it can
    I couldn’t keep up with it
    not if I ran

    but if I stopped holding
    the string of my kite
    it would blow with the wind
    for a day and a night

    and then when I found it
    wherever it blew
    I should know that the wind
    had been going there too

    so then I could tell them
    where the wind goes
    but where the wind comes from
    nobody knows

  13. lily-mae says:

    mummies favourite winter poam

    The North wind Doth blow
    and we will have snow
    and what will poor robin do then
    poor thing

    he`ll sit in a barn
    and keep himself warm
    and hide his head under his wing
    poor thing

  14. Hannah Aprile says:

    Whether the weather be fine
    Or whether the weather be not,
    Whether the weather be cold
    Or whether the weather be hot,
    We’ll weather the weather
    Whatever the weather,
    Whether we like it or not.

  15. Isla Brown says:

    Isla ‘s favourite poem is
    What is fluffy?
    What is white?
    What can you see
    When skies are bright?
    What can float?
    What brings rain?
    What may be higher
    Than a bird or a plane?
    Say it out loud:

  16. Freya samuel says:

    Rain,rain go away come again another day
    Rain, rain go away Freya samuel wants to play
    Rain, rain go away come again another to play
    Rain, rain go away year 1 wants to play

  17. Georgia Moore says:

    Incy Wincy spider climbing up the spout
    Down came the rain and washed the spider out
    Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain
    And Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again

  18. Ava Moore says:

    Ava likes the same poem as Isla Brown:
    What is fluffy?
    What is white?
    What can you see
    When skies are bright?
    What can float?
    What brings rain?
    What may be higher
    Than a bird or a plane?
    Say it out loud:

  19. Ellis says:

    Stormy Weather by Marilyn Lott

    I love to look at the clouds above
    They tell a story, don’t you think?
    Sometimes they are white and puffy
    But can change within a blink

    The wind picks up and blows in
    Clouds so dark and bold
    They almost take your breath away
    Unlike the weather channel told

    But nevertheless they are interesting
    The rain may come pouring down
    Get your umbrella ready in case
    The weather may change in your town!

  20. Charlie says:

    The wind came out to play one day,
    He swept the clouds out of his way,
    He blew the leaves and away they flew,
    The trees bent low and their branches did too,
    The wind blew the great big ships at sea,
    The wind blew my kite away from me.

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