Assembly 16th January 2017

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10 Responses to Assembly 16th January 2017

  1. YEAR 1 says:

    Year 1 think that respect means listening to others, being kind, taking care of our school and property and helping each other.
    We can show that we are respectful by being good listeners, putting our hands up and not calling out. We can hold the door open for others and let them go through first. We can take good care of our books and equipment in school and at home. We can remember to use our good manners all the time. We can remember to smile, share and show kindness to others.

    We learned that Winnie the Pooh was happy with himself and liked the person he was. We are all different because we look different and all have our own individual characteristics that make us the person that we are.
    Our favourite saying was ‘Love is taking a few steps backwards, maybe even more – to give way to the happiness of the person you love.’ All of the children agreed that making their friends and family happy was important to them and gave them a good feeling inside.

  2. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 have learnt that Winnie the Pooh was named after a bear called Winnie who was in a zoo, visited by the Milne family.
    We also learnt that Winnie the Pooh had a positive outlook on life and he accepts things the way they are. Wu Wei means ‘natural action’, a way of thinking which accepts the ups and downs of life.

    Year 6 discussed how, in life, there will always be challenges to face. We have to be resilient to get through tough situations in life. If there were no challenges how would we learn to be resilient? Life would be too easy. We all agreed this would be boring and this is also impossible to accomplish.

    Archie said “for children reading the Winnie the Pooh books, they would learn a very valuable lesson in life.”
    Callista thought it was important to think of others who we love, sometimes before our own happiness.

  3. EJones says:

    I think that respect means when you treat others kindly. I show that i am respectful by treating others how i would like to be treated. Don’t judge people by their looks or not as a first impression. Everyone is each unique and different. If everyone was the same, life would be very boring.
    I have learnt that the bears name came from when the milne family saw a bear called winnie in a zoo they visited. Christopher Robin was based upon the authors son. I liked all of the sayings as I believe that you should always be respectful and don’t argue when things aren’t going your way. Winnie the pooh accepted things the way they were.
    WU WEI
    Wu wei is where you go along and accept things even with life’s ups and downs. Wu wei is a good thing to remember because it shows you how to respect people and not show disrespect.

    Life won’t always go the way you want. On some days it might go as you want but on other days it is completely the opposite. That is not anyones fault so just ‘ACCEPT THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE!’

  4. Foundation says:

    The children were very keen to talk about the meaning of the word respect. Imogen said that it meant being kind to everybody. Nathan remembered that he had star of the week for always being respectful. Lee said that it is about saying something kind and sharing our toys.
    When we talked about acceptance the children remembered last week’s assembly when we watched the video about the birds. The children know that we are all different that is what makes us unique. The children said that this is a good thing, they like the differences – they are very accepting of this fact.
    The children enjoyed looking at the picture of AA Milne and some of the children have Winnie the Pooh stories at home. They though it was interesting that the author wrote the stories for his son, Christopher.

  5. s14cpayne says:

    Year 2 wrote a poem about respect. We liked talking about Winnie the Pooh and we read some of his famous sayings.

    Remember to show kindness
    Everyone is special
    Show tolerance to others
    Please be nice to all
    Especially to people who are different
    Cheswick Green has respectful children
    They are polite!

  6. Year 4 says:

    Raja believes that respect is treating others sensibly. Millie said that it is caring for others. Tianna Mae explained that it’s treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. Georgia added that you need to give it, to get it back.
    Ethan suggested that using good manners is one way we can show respect. Amber added that listening to whoever is speaking to you is another way to show respect. Emma said that doing your chores at home is a way of being respectful. We then decided that always doing what is expected of us, is a great way to be respectful.
    Year 4 believe that we always need to show respect to people we come into contact with so that we can be respected back and also to keep friendships.

    Jacob said that if we all looked the same, wore the same, ate the same etc. life would be very boring and pointless. Amber added that they’d be no diversity. Year 4 understand the need to accept and celebrate difference because friendships are built on sharing things we have in common but also sharing different experiences with each other and learning from others. We enjoyed thinking about Whinne the Pooh and we really like his saying on the blog – The things that make me different, are the things that make me!

  7. s14jhine says:

    Year 5 Say :

    Respect is about treating others as we want to be treated- Chloe C. Ines Added that this shows that we are trying to get along with the person and also that we would like to be treated in the same way.

    Year five call this ‘reflect, respect’.

    Ways in which we can be respectful:

    Toby says that using good manners and saying please and thank you are the easiest ways of showing respect to anyone.

    Oliver spoke about showing respect to our parents by doing what they ask you and doing this in a timely fashion.

    Maddie added that keeping promises is also a way that we can show respect to anyone.

  8. Charlie Bown y5 says:

    Respect is being kind,helping others,not talking when someone is talking,working hard doing what the teacher tells us to do and being respectful.

  9. Maddie says:

    I think what respect means is treating other people with nice things like being kind to everyone and just because we are different .

  10. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 talked about respecting others and accepting others for who they are. We considered the following:
    -if we all were the same there would be nothing interesting about us
    – if we were the same then we not talk about exciting things that have happened to us as we all would have had the same experience.
    – life would be boring
    – we wouldn’t learn new things from different places and people
    We found out that Winnie the Pooh was named after a bear in London Zoo and that Pooh bear always used to look on the bright side of things and so should we!

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