RE in Year 2

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7 Responses to RE in Year 2

  1. Alex says:

    The friends showed determination by not giving up and finding a different way to get their friend to see Jesus when it seemed it wouldn’t be possible. Alex would have used rocks to make steps to get up onto the roof. Being determined means keeping on trying and not giving up, even if something is really tricky. Alex shows determination with his reading, writing and swimming, because he has to keep working hard at it to get better.

  2. Daniel Hillidge says:

    The friends showed determination by not giving up when they saw it would be difficult to get to Jesus.
    I would have gone down the chimney to get to Jesus. The friends had to go through the roof as the door was blocked, it would have been hard for the men to lift their friend but they were very determined.
    Jesus showed kindness because of the determination of his friends.
    I show determination when I am reading, I like finish books! I was determined to finish “beat the game” before school this morning.

  3. Zachary says:

    They showed determination because they went all the way to where Jesus was and didn’t give up when there was a crowd. They went up lots of steps carrying their friend and it would have been hard work. I think I would have done the same and shouted so Jesus would know we were there. They had to go through he roof so they could get their friend through the crowds to Jesus to help him. It was difficult to pick up Aimee on the mat and it would have been difficult for the four friends. Jesus showed kindness by helping the man. I show determination at football when I am trying to score a goal.

  4. Haydn says:

    I think the friends showed determination because they could not get the man through the crowds to see Jesus, so they carried him and lowered him through the roof in front of Jesus on a mat, they were not going to give up until the man had been seen by Jesus. If he was my friend I would have carried him on by back to get him help. Jesus showed kindness to the man because his friends had shown true faith and belief in their friendship and belief in Jesus.
    I show determination which means not giving up, in my life by coming to School everyday even though I find it difficult.

    • s14cpayne says:

      Thank you for your reply Haydn. You listened to the story really well! I see you show determination every day at school! From Miss Payne 🙂

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