Signs of Autumn

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14 Responses to Signs of Autumn

  1. Ellis Kavanagh says:

    The leaves on the trees change colour to browns and orange and red and they start to fall on the floor and it’s colder than in the summer time and it’s starts to get dark earlier, I need my bigger blanket in bed! I love Autumn because it’s almost Halloween time!

  2. James Norris says:

    I think Autumn is great; because all the leaves turn red and brown and fall off the trees, and I like to play in the crunchy leaves.

  3. Charlie says:

    I can tell that Autum is here because the leaves change colour and fall off the trees onto the floor.

  4. Ava & Georgia Moore says:

    There are lots of leaves all over our lawn and we have started collecting conkers from under the trees. Mummy is already persuading Daddy to put the heating on.

    Today a Conker fell on my Daddy’s head!

  5. Adah Brook. says:

    I see conkers. I like crunching the leaves with my feet.

  6. Archie Kinsey says:

    I like autumn because I love collecting and opening conkers. I know its autumn because the leaves start falling from the trees and the squirrels start picking up the acorns in the garden!

  7. Lily Shields says:

    I can tell that it’s Autumn because it’s getting colder, the leaves are falling off the trees and are changing colours. We will collect some conkers today.

  8. Megan says says:

    In autumn the leaves change into lovely colours and fall from the trees. I can then run and jump into piles of crunchy leaves.
    I love to search for conkers on my way to school but I need help if they are still inside their prickly cases!

  9. Hannah says:

    the leaves fall off the trees and I have some new cosy boots

  10. Zachary Fitter says:

    I like stomping in crunchy leaves and I love dressing up for Halloween and going trick or treating.

  11. Oliver Reynolds says:

    We noticed that the leaves are changing colours already to reds, yellows and orange. They are starting to fall off the trees. It’s time to go conker hunting! I love Halloween and Bonfire night best in Autumn time. We have a log burner in our conservatory and I help my Daddy to light it when Autumn comes, as it starts to get colder. We sometimes drink hot chocolate in front of it and sit in the dark.

  12. Isla Green says:

    I love Autumn because I like collecting conkers and acorns. I love all the beautiful changing colours of the leaves as they fall off the trees. I love Halloween and dressing up and sparklers at bonfire night but most of all I love Autumn because it’s my birthday !

  13. Demi says:

    I can tell Autumn has come because all the leaves have started to change colour and are falling off the trees. I saw some conkers on the way to school too but I didn’t pick them up because they were really dirty!!!
    Mommy like conkers in her house to keep the spiders away.

  14. lily-mae says:

    We know that autumn is here because there is conkers and leafs falling off the trees and on the way to school it is a lot chiller than it used to be. On the way to school today we saw a squirrel looking for his nuts he had hidden. The leafs that have fallen are now brown yellow orange instead of green. It also is getting dark earlier so when I go to bed it is now dark and the moon and stars are out

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