Assembly 26th September

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6 Responses to Assembly 26th September

  1. s14cpayne says:

    In Year 2 we talked about Older people and how we can help them and how they help us. Lots of us have nans and grandads and grandmas and grandpas. Older people are wise and interesting to talk to. They can tell us things about the past and teach us new things. They help us build our characters.
    Building our characters means we are becoming better people, more helpful, kind and thoughtful. It means we are making ourselves stronger for the future when we are older.
    From Year 2

  2. Year 6 says:

    Things our families do for us:
    -They clean and cook for us.
    -They take us on amazing holidays.
    -They look after us.
    -They buy us nice things.

    Pete’s gift to his family at Christmas was pictures of things they wanted.

    This story has taught us that it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. Family and kindness is what is important. We should appreciate what we have.

    We think character building is becoming a better person. It is building who you are.

    Determination is an important part of character building because if you are determined you will work hard and reach your goals.

    The people that help us build our character are:
    -anyone who supports you
    -loved ones

    We are wearing slippers on Friday because it’s older people’s day.

    It is important to support older people because they need our help. We can do usually do more than them.

  3. Year 4 says:

    Things our families do for us:

    Tianna Mae- My Mum and Dad do lots of things for me, even if I haven’t done good things for them.

    Holly – My Mum helps me when I get stuck on things at home.

    Henry – My Mum makes my dinner and makes my bed.

    Jack – My family help me with my homework and buy me the things I need.

    Pete’s gift was love for his family.

    We have learnt to appreciate our family from this story.

    We think character building is important in order to help us be well rounded people. We think adults help us to build character.

    Slip into slippers is for Age UK to support elderly people who are very important.

  4. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 discussed different things our families do for us, which included doing the shopping, hoovering, tidying up, doing the washing, taking us to clubs, ironing, cleaning, and feeding us. We talked about how family are very important. We discussed how family, friends, teachers and cousins can help us build our character. We talked about how older people can help us to learn things we didn’t know and do exciting activities with us too!

  5. Year 1 says:

    Ellis said ‘My Mum makes my breakfast.’
    James said, ‘My Mum cleans my bedroom.’
    Jack said ‘My family help to tidy up.’
    Lily said ‘My Mum washes and irons all the clothes.’
    Freya said ‘My Dad vacuums the carpet.’
    Zachary said ‘My Mum makes my room cosy.’
    We had a long long list of how our families help us.

    In the story year 1 said that caring for one another was important and that you don’t need to buy expensive presents to show that you care.

    Year 1 talked about character building and said that when they found things difficult it was important to find the strength to persevere and not to give up. We also talked about supporting our friends and helping others because this was a way of showing them that we care.

    We are wearing our slippers on Friday to remember older people as they might need more help than we do. We also know that all of us will be old one day and will need others to help us.

  6. Foundation says:

    The children listened carefully to the story this week and they were able to recognise that Pete’s gift was very special, it was love. After the assembly the children were very keen to talk about all of the things their families do for them.
    Sebastian, “They wash up.”
    Finley, “They let me have play dough, not every day, but I can on Wednesday.”
    Zunnurain, “They buy me lots of food and toys!”
    Myrtle, “Mummy asks me how I want my hair and she does it for me.”
    Imogen, “They cook me different food for me to try and sometimes I like it.”

    The Foundation 2 children love Terry the Tortoise, one of our BLP characters and they are very good at reminding each other to keep on trying even if something is tricky. The children have shown great determination this week in their writing. We talked about how each time we practice something tricky, it will begin to get easier.

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