Animal Poems

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14 Responses to Animal Poems

  1. Daniel Hillidge says:

    The dog ate my homework
    The mischievous pup
    Got hold of my homework
    And gobbled it up

    The dog ate my homework
    It’s gonna be late
    I guess that the teacher
    Will just have to wait

    The dog ate my homework
    He swallowed it whole
    I shouldn’t have mixed it
    With food in his bowl.

    The author is kenn Nesbitt.

    I like it because it’s funny! The bit I like the most is how the child mixed it with the dogs food to get him to get him to eat it!

  2. Lotte says:

    Poem by Valerie bloom
    In Yellowstone park

    In Yellowstone park big-horn she roam,
    Here bison and bobcats have their home,
    There’s the grey wolf and the grizzly bear,
    Mountain lion and white-tailed deer,
    Coyotes and chipmunks, elk and moose
    Fishes, snakes and the Canada goose.
    Bald eagles and osprey, loons and hawk,
    Live happily together in Yellowstone park.
    I don’t think that these animals know
    They’re living on a volcano.

    Author unknown
    There once was a boy called bill,
    Who sat on a porcupines quill,
    He jumped in the air
    Cause his bottom was bare,
    And that’s why he can’t sit still.

    Michael Rosen
    Down by the dustbin
    I met a dog called Jim,
    He didn’t know me and I didn’t know him.

    Down by the dustbin
    I met a dog called him
    He said he didn’t know me
    But I am pretty sure he did.

  3. Zachary says:

    Cats by Eleanor Farjean

    Cats sleep
    Any table,
    Any chair,
    Top of piano,

    In the middle,
    On the edge,
    Open drawer,
    Empty shoe,
    Lap will do,
    Fitted in a

    Cardboard box,
    In the cupboard
    With your frocks–
    They don’t care!
    Cats sleep

    I like this poem because my cats are like this and sleep anywhere. It makes me laugh. Once I found my cat, Artemis, asleep in my toy box!

  4. Alex says:

    Alex likes the Crocodile and the Dentist because it is really funny. We have enjoyed some other Roald Dahl stories and poems and they always make us laugh.

    The crocodile, with cunning smile, sat in the dentist’s chair.
    He said, “Right here and everywhere my teeth require repair.”
    The dentist’s face was turning white. He quivered, quaked and shook.
    He muttered, “I suppose I’m going to have to take a look.”
    “I want you,” Crocodile declared, “to do the back ones first.
    The molars at the very back are easily the worst.”
    He opened wide his massive jaws. It was a fearsome sight––
    At least three hundred pointed teeth, all sharp and shining white.
    The dentist kept himself well clear. He stood two yards away.
    He chose the longest probe he had to search out the decay.
    “I said to do the back ones first!” the Crocodile called out.
    “You’re much too far away, dear sir, to see what you’re about.
    To do the back ones properly you’ve got to put your head
    Deep down inside my great big mouth,” the grinning Crocky said.
    The poor old dentist wrung his hands and, weeping in despair,
    He cried, “No no! I see them all extremely well from here!”
    Just then, in burst a lady, in her hands a golden chain.
    She cried, “Oh Croc, you naughty boy, you’re playing tricks again!”
    “Watch out!” the dentist shrieked and started climbing up the wall.
    “He’s after me! He’s after you! He’s going to eat us all!”
    “Don’t be a twit,” the lady said, and flashed a gorgeous smile.
    “He’s harmless. He’s my little pet, my lovely crocodile.”

  5. Aimee says:

    Cats sleep, anywhere,
    Any table, any chair
    Top of piano, window-ledge,
    In the middle, on the edge,
    Open drawer, empty shoe,
    Anybody’s lap will do,
    Fitted in a cardboard box,
    In the cupboard, with your frocks-
    Anywhere! They don’t care!
    Cats sleep anywhere.

    By Eleanor Farjeon

    I like this poem because it’s about cats and I like cats.

  6. Sophie says:

    I love these two animal poems by Spike Milligan. The first one is called ‘The Lion’.

    If you’re attacked by a Lion
    Find fresh underpants to try on
    Lay on the ground quite still
    Pretend you are very ill
    Keep like that day after day
    Perhaps the lion will go away.

    The second one is called ‘Jumbo Jet’.

    I saw a little elephant standing in my garden,
    I said ‘You don’t belong in here’, he said ‘I beg you pardon?’,
    I said ‘This place is England, what are you doing here?’,
    He said ‘Ah, then I must be lost’ and then ‘Oh dear, oh dear’.

    ‘I should be back in Africa, on Serengeti’s Plain’,
    ‘Pray, where is the nearest station where I can catch a train?’.
    He caught the bus to Finchley and then to Mincing lane,
    And over the Embankment, where he got lost, again.

    The police they put him in a cell, but it was far too small,
    So they tied him to a lamppost and he slept against the wall.
    But as the policemen lay sleeping by the twinkling light of dawn,
    The lamppost and the wall were there, but the elephant was gone!

    So if you see an elephant, in a Jumbo Jet,
    You can be sure that Africa’s the place he’s trying to get!

  7. Adam Hoadley says:

    I’m a little penguin in the snow
    I slide on my tummy to and fro
    I eat the fish from the deep blue sea
    I’m black and white as you can see!
    Author unknown
    Adam likes this poem because he likes penguins and because it rhymes

  8. Borys says:

    If you were a rhino
    I still will be your friend.
    And if you were a platypus
    Our friendship would not end.
    I’d like you as a walrus,
    Camel, cat or kangaroo.
    It doesnt matter who you are
    I will always be a friend with you.

    The author is Jack Prelutsky.

    I like this poem because it says you can be a friend with every animal.

  9. Jake says:

    The dogs I know have many shapes.
    For some are big and tall,
    And some are long,
    And some are thin,
    And some are fat and small.
    And some are little bits of fluff
    And have no shape at all

    By Marchette Chute

    I like this poem because it is funny.

  10. lexie says:

    WOW year one you have done amazing poems let me share you some of mine. I’m a little penguin in the snow, I slide on my tummy to and fro I eat the fish from the deep blue sea I,m black and white as you can see. my cat it’ll be five days our maybe six , before I get my laptop fixed.Gosh,i think it would be nice – if my cat could eat mice . Unfortunatly in my house – she likes to kill my cordless mouse.

  11. Haydn says:

    I love Dr Seuss poems, the one I have chosen is Fox in Socks

    Knox in box
    Fox in socks
    Knox on fox in socks in box.
    Socks on Knox and Knox in box.
    Fox in socks on box on Knox.
    Chicks with bricks come.
    Chicks with blocks come.
    Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come.
    Look sir. Look sir.
    Mr Knox, sir.
    Let’s do tricks with bricks and blocks ,sir.
    Let’s do tricks with chicks and clocks, sir.

    Now wait a minute Mr Socks Fox!
    When a fox is in a bottle where the tweetle beetles battle with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
    This is what they call ……. A tweetle beetle noddle poodle bottled paddled muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!
    Fox in socks, our game is done, Sir.
    Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.

  12. Isla says:

    How would you feel it a cow are you by Pete Traynor

    How would you feel if a cow are you?
    Caught you and bopped you,
    And chopped you in two,
    Fried you or broiled you or put you in a stew
    With carrots, potatoes and an onion or two?
    So sometimes at dinner when you’re starting to chew,
    Put down your steak and ponder this through,
    How would you feel if a cow ate you?

    This poem made me laugh!

  13. Anonymous says:

    My little mouse lives by the SEA
    In a cozy nest under a tree
    In the day he likes to go swimming
    And over night he takes himself fishing

  14. Joe Horsler says:

    Meerkat Escape

    there was a little meerkat he lived in zoo
    miles away from home feeling very blue
    missing all his family very sad was he
    hoping maybe oneday his family he would see.

    he decided to escape anyway he can
    meerkat he was clever and made himself a plan
    he waited till the dark so no one else could see
    squeezed out from his cage now at last was free.

    then he saw a boat anchored in the bay
    meerkat decided he would stowaway
    then the boat set sail and headed out to sea
    he was heading home happy now was he.

    meerkat made it home to his desert land
    underneath the sun with miles and miles of sand.
    surrounded by his family like he was before
    happy and content he was home once more.

    Written by William Worthless

    I like this because it’s an excellent ending.

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