Assembly theme 2nd May

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7 Responses to Assembly theme 2nd May

  1. Miss Dawson says:

    We think a good team is made by:
    – Sharing ideas and listening to those of others.
    – Respecting each other.
    – Compromising.
    – Sharing.

    In Year 6, some of us belong in the following teams: cricket, football, netball, dance, choir, working in groups in school, scouts.

  2. Year 2 says:

    We love the photo of the little girl helping her dog have a drink. She is showing teamwork and kindness!With teamwork it is easier to get jobs done and the task doesn’t seem as difficult. Plus sometimes its fun to work in a team because you can cheer on the others on the team and it makes you feel good.
    Today was Pirate Day in year 2 and we learnt that pirates had to work together too on a ship to make everything work. If they don’t work together nothing would get done and the ship would never sail!
    From Year 2

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 think team work is about helping each other and working together to achieve a goal. Year 1 said that to make a good team you need people who work hard, put in 100% effort, have respect for each other and want to be successful. Daniel, William, Ross, Zachary, Jake and Adam all belong to a football team. Lotte, Elodie, Aaliyah, Aimee, Sophie, Mili and Isla belong to a cheerleading team. To be a good team everyone in Year 1 agreed you need to collaborate and work together to be effective. We couldnt decide which photo was our favourite as they were all good and show us how important teamwork is.

  4. Tyler Inman says:

    Teamwork is something you do with other people. It is a better word for co-operation. You work together to achieve something good that is beneficial to both of you. A good team is a team that uses each other’s strengths and weaknesses to acheve your goal. I belong to my chess team we try and work together to solve multiple chess problems at a time. Teams need to collaborate so they can quickly solve any problems anyone gives them.

  5. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 think team work is about working together to achieve a goal. Year 3 said it was important to help one another if we get stuck and that sharing ideas makes everything easier. Teams that work well have fun and listen to each other. Year 3 said that everyone in the team has to respect each other. Year 3 are a team and they work hard together.

  6. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 thinks teamwork is:
    -when people help each other
    -working together cooperatively and fairly
    -being nice and kind to one another
    -thinking about others
    -including everyone
    -when you are commited to the team
    -when you share ideas

    A good team:
    -copoerates with each other
    -doesn’t argue
    -is kind to one another
    -works well together
    -is fair
    -listens to each other
    -shares ideas
    -never gives up

    Teams need to collaborate because:
    -otherwise they won’t get anything done
    -you can’t be a team if you don’t collaborate
    -it is important to work together and listen to one another
    -you have to collaborate to achieve a goal

  7. Foundation says:

    We have been learning lots about collaboration and team work in Foundation. Billy the Bee reminds us what to do to work together. If we get stuck or if we are not sure we can ask our friends to help us out! When we work together we can make amzing things, like forts and castles! We are a great team in Foundation 🙂

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