Dinosaur Parent Share

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20 Responses to Dinosaur Parent Share

  1. The Parry Boys says:

    Mummy and Daddy really enjoyed our parent share afternoon and appreciated the efforts of all the teachers and children in year 1 for making it so enjoyable. Mummy really enjoyed making a dinosaur bones picture with white straws and black paper, Daddy really enjoyed making a dinosaur out of boxes and it is currenly pride of place in our living room at home!

    Jacob and Oliver both enjoyed having Mummy and Daddy in school and doing lots or activities their favourites were the dinosaur letter hunt, making dinosaur masks and creating a dinosaur with cardboard boxes.

    Thank you so much for a lovely family afternoon that we all enjoyed sharing together.

  2. Khai Nguyen says:

    I had a lovely afternoon.My faveruote part was doing the dinosaur treusure hunt.I enjoyed it to see mummy and daddy their.thank you for everyone being well behaved.hope you had a great time.

  3. Tommy says:

    Mommy and I really enjoyed the dinosaur parent share afternoon. My favourite part was decorating the dinosaur biscuit and Mommy’s was the dinosaur treasure hunt!

  4. Lisa Bosworth says:

    Thank you very much to everyone who helped arrange the dinosaur parent share afternoon yesterday, Tommy and I really enjoyed it !!

  5. Darcy says:

    My favourite bit was the dinosaur hunt, it was brilliant. We couldn’t find number 8 for ages but we kept trying and found it in the end. Mom and Scarlett also loved the dinosaur hunt the best. We all had such a fantastic afternoon. Thank you so much Mrs Parker and Mrs Rooke 🙂

  6. Ella says:

    My mummy enjoyed the parent share. Her best bit was making the dinosaur out of paper straws and my best bit was the dinosaur hunt. Mummy also liked the biscuits!

  7. George Witherspoon says:

    My mom enjoyed the parent share. Me and my mom enjoyed the dinosaur hunt the most. I thought that we were going to be there all afternoon because we couldn’t find the dinosaurs, mummy thought the dinosaur was going to eat her.
    We liked making the sock puppet and daddy loved my biscuit and ate it all up.


  8. Mollie H says:

    My daddy enjoyed making the skeleton dinosaur and loved me showing him around the forest hunting for dinosaurs. My mom enjoyed the song at the start of the afternoon and making the sock puppets and icing the biscuits. We all had a lovely afternoon and thought alot of time and effort had been taken to put on all the different activities.

  9. Red says:

    I liked the sock puppet that we made. There were lots of things to use to make it look really good.

    Mummy thought there were such a lot of great activities. She enjoyed the treasure hunt the most. It felt like a dinosaur might leap out from the bushes at any moment.

    Daddy decorating the dinosaur biscuit was really fun and making the sock puppet together. We all had a great afternoon. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to help it to happen.

  10. rosa says:

    i loved the dinosaor hunt and icing the biscits.

    Mummy: I loved the song at the beginning and it was lovely going out in the sunshine to do the hunt together ,

  11. Thom says:

    Mummy liked making the split pin dinosaur and the dinosaur mask.
    Opa, my grandad from the Netherlands, really liked the dinosaur treasure hunt. Mummy says thank you for a lovely afternoon.

  12. Sofia says:

    My mum enjoyed make a puppet sock and my dad’s friend enjoyed the dinosaurs hunt.

  13. Euan says:

    Mummy and me enjoyed making the sock puppet and the dinosaur treasure hunt. We had a lovely time.

  14. Jacob N says:

    Mummy and I enjoyed making my junk model dinasour the most. It was a great afternoon!

  15. Meira says:

    I enjoyed the dinosaur hunt the most. Daddy had fun spending that afternoon in my school. He enjoyed doing the puppet.

  16. Sophie Allberry says:

    My favourite bit of the parent share was the dinosaur hunt. My mum and I both liked the parent share. Mummy said she liked the song. Thank you for a lovely afternoon.

  17. Nathan says:

    My mum and dad loved the Dinosaur parent share, mum’s favourite bit was the treasure hunt and split pin dinosaur. Mine and dad’s was making the dinosaur out of boxes and the sock puppet. Thank you Mrs Parker and Mrs Rook for putting in so much effort and making the afternoon special for us all 🙂

  18. Imogen says:

    I liked making the junk box dinosaur with mummy and daddy best. I’m going to paint it.

    Mummy: We loved the singing! We enjoyed learning about a new dinosaur- we had never heard of the Nodosaurus before. And we were very excited to take our junk box dinosaur home with us…thank you year 1, it was a brilliant afternoon.

  19. layton says:

    I liked them Dino perennial
    Shere because they play doh .Momy chose then making them card bird Dino

  20. Joel Kavanagh says:

    I loved the parent share afternoon with mommy, my favourite was the dinosaur hunt in the sunshine and making biscuits and eating them!! Thank you Mrs Parker and Mrs Rooke for a lovely afternoon.

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