Assembly 14th April

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24 Responses to Assembly 14th April

  1. Year 5 says:

    Macy – George was brave because he put other people’s lives before his own.

    Holly – George was brave because he stood up to the king to fight for his beliefs.

    Molly – When we hurt ourselves we have to be brave.

    Harry – I think my little brother is brave, as he had to go into hospital lots and he didn’t cry at all.

    Joseph – I think my little sister was brave when she had to have an injection.

    Jessica – My older sister was brave when she was poorly.

  2. Ronika and charlie says:

    Ronika.I like st george`s day because he killed the dragon
    charlie. I like st george`s day because it reminds me of when he killed the dragon.

  3. Blake and Ethan says:

    He killed a Dragon`

  4. amelie and poppy says:

    poppy saint george is our hero of Briton because he slayed the dragon. amelie st george is a hero because he
    saved the princess .

  5. holly and mia says:

    holly – he is brave because he defeated the evil green dragon.
    mia-I’ve been brave when I was scared to do something.
    holly – I was brave when I went to a scary rollercoaster it was really scary rollercoaster.

  6. lily and daniel k says:

    lily likes st georgers day because st george the dragon.
    daniel k likes st georgers day because it is speical.

  7. Lucy and georgia says:

    St George is a knight.St Georges day is a fun day and it is a special day.St George saved the princess.

  8. ELLA And Amber says:

    St George was brave when he defeated the scary dragon.we have been brave when we went on our school trip and we were scared that the troll would come out but we were brave.We think that Charlie Brown Poppy Jones and Jacob Carr is brave because when stuff are scary they are very brave.

  9. Blake and Ethan says:

    He killed a Dragon by stabbing it in the wing.He fell to the floor and died.
    Knights are brave.

  10. Jacob and Phoebe says:

    st George is so brave because he fought a green dragon to save the princess.
    We think people in the army are very brave because they get injured and carry on fighting.

  11. Daniel and daisy says:

    St GORGE was brave and risked his life for the princess.
    Daisy – I think I was brave when i had to be put to sleep for an operation on my teeth.

  12. Henry and Eve says:

    Henry~if st George did`tun kill he dragon girls will be in danger.
    Eve~ when i stod up to my sister i was brave .

  13. Poppy Jones and Satra says:

    We think he was brave because…
    He fought the dragon and he saved the princess.

  14. Jacob shields and Raja says:

    We think he was brave because…
    Jacob s-I think he was brave because he killed the dragon.
    Raja- I think he was brave because he saved the girls.

  15. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 knew that St.George was the patron Saint of England. They knew he was a knight and wore shiny armour. They thought St.George was brave because he stood up to the dragon, was strong and determined. We talked about times when the children had been brave. Lots of children said they had been brave when they had hurt themselves and that they had tried really hard not to cry. Jacob said that he was very brave when he went to the nurse for an injection. Imogen said she was worried about seeing somebody dressed up and she had to be brave to stop herself being frightened. Year 1 also knew all about the Union flag following our topic work last term about London.

  16. Darcy Year 1 says:

    St George was brave because he killed a very big dragon. I had to be very brave when I went to the Childrens Hospital and they took some of my blood to test. The other poorly children at the hospital were very brave too. I know the St George flag is the flag for England and it is white with a red cross and it is in the Union Jack.

  17. lily ellis says:

    st George is the saint off England. The England flag is his special sign. he had a fight with the dragon but it mite not have been real.

  18. The Parry Boys says:

    Oliver and Jacob know that St George was a brave knight that killed a dragon. He had a red and white cross on his shield and used a sword.

    Jacob says he was brave when he had some injections. Oliver was brave when he lost his first tooth.

    Oliver thinks soldiers are brave to go to war for our country. Jacob thinks boxers are brave when they fight and don’t moan about getting hurt!

    Oliver and Jacob say the Red Cross on the Union Jack represents England. And the blue is from Scotland.

  19. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 know that the part of the Union Jack which represents England is the red cross. We have discussed what it means to have British values and how important it is that we know about our heritage. We talked about how vital the services are which are provided by the government and decided that although some people moan, we live a very decent standard of life compared to many children in some other countries. We are looking in more detail at who St George was when we celebrate this week. We are hoping that eventually, the St George’s day parades will be as big as St Patrick’s Day parades.

  20. Meira says:

    There was a dragon and st Goerge killed the dragon. St George was so brave beacause he wasn’t scared of the dragon and he killed him. I have been brave when I went to the doctor. I think my daddy is brave because he was n’t scared when he had a needle.

  21. foundation says:

    In Foundation on Thursday we learnt all about St. George and how brave he was when he was fighting the dragon. We spoke about times when we have been brave in the past and these are some of the answers we came up with:
    Demi- I rode a pony and it was really really scary!
    Millie- I held a snake and they’re REALLY scary and slimy.
    Zachary- I went on a really big slide when I was on holiday and I went all the way to the bottom but I was brave so I was okay.
    Ross- When I was playing football I get hit by the football, but I carried on playing because I’m brave like St. George.
    Lily- I fell and hurt my knee. It was bleeding lots. But it is okay now.

  22. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 talked about St George and how he demonstrated bravery. We then began considering times that we have had to be brave. Mrs Mitchell has to be brave every time she drives on a motorway because she doesn’t really like it! Callista was brave when she cut her head and Miriam said she had to be brave when she once trapped her toe under a chair. Ouch! When sad things happen to us, Evie said that these times require us to be very brave indeed. Grace was extremely brave when she jumped off the top diving board for the first time. Well done Grace!

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