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15 Responses to Journeytothestable

  1. Red says:

    I enjoyed the show that they did for us because it was really good. I learned about the story and all of it was true. I have not been to a church building like that before. Inside it was high and I liked it. I’ve forgotten the new words.

  2. Max ridler says:

    Max enjoyed learning about Jesus.

  3. Madison Aprile says:

    I learnt how to sing some new songs. I really enjoyed the singing. The church had beautiful windows.

  4. Meira says:

    We learned about baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I enjoyed singing because it’s fun. I have never been to church before but I liked it because it’s rather fun to go to new places. The building was beautiful I loved the calendar.

  5. Euan George says:

    I learned about the story of Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus.
    We did some fun activities. My favourite activity was when felt the cloth and wool and straw because I liked sticking them on the card.
    Yes Ive been to Church before.
    Churches have high ceilings, and you sit on a pew.

  6. Mollie Haines says:

    I enjoyed the church trip, my favourite part was finding where the wool, straw, baby clothes and kings clothes went on the paper. I loved it

  7. Sofia says:

    We went to the church and it was very pretty. There was a small room where the lady knock on door, and the lady said no go away, look at the card (no room), she said please and the lady came out and the lady thought us a story.
    We saw Marie and Joseph and I really enjoyed looking at the real baby, it was the best.


  8. Khai Nguyen says:

    I enjoyed going to the church. I was very excited before we went. I liked touching the gold, but smelling the sheep wool was not so nice! I liked going with my friends. Mummy enjoyed the singing at the end.

  9. Tommy says:

    We learnt about advent, we learnt about the first Christmas. In the church I really enjoyed the nativity play and the singing.
    I have been to church a few times before normally for weddings and christenings.

  10. George Witherspoon says:

    I enjoyed our visit to the church, baby Jesus was my favourite. Mary looked after her baby and held him tight to keep him safe. I enjoyed singing the songs, the church was very pretty & big. I had a fantastic time with my teachers and my friends. I would like my mummy and daddy to take me again so I can sing out loud. George W

  11. Thom says:

    The best thing about the visit was making the card with straw, baby clothes and king clothes. I also liked smelling and feeling the different gifts that the kings brought. I have learned a lot about the story of the first christmas. Singing the songs was obviously a highlight!

  12. Darcy says:

    Darcy’s favourite part of the morning was finding where to stick the different things you found in the stable on the card. She very much enjoyed the story & singing. Darcy has been to Church a few times for Christenings, she remembers the pretty colourful windows.

  13. Jamie Board says:

    Jamie enjoyed going to St James Church, his favourite part was listening to the baby Jesus play, he also enjoyed singing and sticking wool and straw on to the card.
    James been to church a number of times for family weddings and christenings.

  14. The Parry Boys says:

    Oliver and Jacob enjoyed their visit to the church. They particularly enjoyed the performance about Baby Jesus. Jacob liked moving round the different activities and smelling the different objects. Oliver liked feeling the different textures found in the stable. Both boys thought it was a fun time in the church.

  15. Saffy says:

    I liked singing in the church. In the church I liked looking at the pictures of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

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