Easter Challenge

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18 Responses to Easter Challenge

  1. Haydn says:

    Haydn was lucky enough to go to Company Church Parade, at Cheswick Green Church with Boys Brigade, and watch Tyler. The Minister who lead the service, explained to the children about Palm Sunday and the Easter story, Haydn learnt the Easter story and the meaning behind it.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Parades are exciting, I can remember taking part in the Brownie parades many years ago! Well done Tyler and Haydn 🙂

  2. Darcy says:

    We have read about what happened to Jesus at Easter in Darcy’s Bible. Darcy thinks that the people who put Jesus on the cross and didn’t like him were very mean and were horrible pushing the big stone on him. But all his friends who told everyone about Jesus when he had gone back to his Father in heaven were very nice and kind, just like Jesus.

  3. Ted says:

    Ted and I were visiting family this weekend and this gave us the opportunity to discuss the different sorts of houses and homes that they all live in. Daddy lives in a flat on the second floor in Leamington Spa. Nana and Grandad live in a bungalow that has only one floor. Uncle Colin, auntie Helen and cousin Eadie live in a semi detached house that had three levels, one of which was in the basement. The house is on a hill so you basement at the back but not the front. Uncle David and auntie Nicky live on a farm with stables for the horses. We will continue to look out for more different sorts homes and houses over the coming weeks.
    We discussed a little bit about Easter and Ted believes that it is a story from the New Testament about Jesus coming back to life. It is a story related to birth (re-birth) so visiting cousin Eadie was sort of appropriate with her being a newborn baby only a few weeks old.

  4. Immy says:

    We read Immy the story and she watched a short video of it. She thought it was sad when he died but happy when he came back to life.

  5. Harvey says:

    First, Harvey looked at the Easter story in the bible with his sister.After, they wanted to draw pictures but Harvey found it a bit difficult to draw one!After that, I found an animated children’s version of the Easter story on You Tube.He seemed to enjoy it and I think he found it easier to understand.He was asking lots of questions like “Why did Jesus have holes in his feet?”

  6. Tommy says:

    A couple of years ago someone gave Tommy a child’s version of the Easter Story at Easter so we re-read the story together. Tommy couldn’t understand why people wanted to hurt Jesus and thought it as sad when he died but when Jesus came back to life Tommy was much happier.

    I will put the Easter story book in Tommy’s book bag.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I look forward to reading Tommy’s version. I agree with Tommy, I can’t understand why people would want to hurt him either.

  7. Euan says:

    Euan attended a boys brigade parade at church on Sunday where the minister leading the service spoke about Palm Sunday and the Easter story. So we had a chat about that and about why we get Easter eggs.

  8. Thom says:

    Thom types:
    Easter is when we eat chocklet.
    Easter is when jesus come`s back to life.
    We`ll go on a easteregg hunt with milly.

  9. The Parry Boys says:

    Oops been told off today by The Parry boys for not writing on the blog!!! Naughty Mummy has to sit on the put it right chair now!!!!

    Oliver and Jacob listened all about why we celebrated Easter. Jacob asked who put Jesus on the cross? And why is it called Good Friday if Jesus died. We talked about the Jews and roman soldiers and that there were many different beliefs to why it is called Good Friday. They enjoyed learning about Easter almost as much as they enjoy Easter eggs!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Poor Mummy 🙁 I will inform the boys that their blog has now been posted… Well done boys, you have thought carefully about the story and asked some very clever questions.

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