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8 Responses to SOUND

  1. jack says:

    Noies that are good for are eares are ear plugs double glazing.
    Things that are not good for are eares are shoting,loud music and headphones.

  2. Ariet Agostinho says:

    If you go near loud noises then you need to put some thing over it like ear protectors or ear plugs. The thing that can damage your ears are like a pneumatic drill or an aeroplane or even an rock concert. To wear ear plugs when you are near some thing noisy!!!


  3. Nathan says:

    The noises that are bad for your ears are jet engines, drills, guns and explosions.
    These noises can pop your eardrum.
    We can protect ourselves by wearing ear protectors, putting our hands over our ears and double glazing.

  4. Molly W says:

    If you worked as a builder you would probably use loud machinery and that could effect or damage your ears. Also if you are a singer or at a concert that could also damage your ears.
    Loud noises can effect our ears by making you deaf or you can get tinnitus that is were you hear ringing noises in your ears or your ears can feel really full or you can get ear ache.
    You can protect your ears by wearing earmuffs, wearing special ear plugs for loud concerts or turn down the VOLUME!! If someone is exposed to loud noise over a long period of time, like every day, permanent hearing loss can occur.

  5. jessica says:

    If you go near loud noises then you need to put some thing over it like ear protectors or ear plugs. The thing that can damage your ears are like a pneumatic drill or an aeroplane or even an rock concert. To wear ear plugs when you are near some thing noisy!!!

  6. Logan says:

    SOUNDS CAN PENETRATe OUR EARS THAT shouldn’t because They are really loud.

  7. George taylor 4mm says:

    The bad thing what can happen to damage your ears a drill and load music.

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