20th September

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6 Responses to 20th September

  1. s14smiah says:

    How does the music make you feel when you listen to it?
    Chloe – happy because I liked it
    Esme – scared because the train looked like it was going really fast
    Morwenna – excited because the music was changing every moment
    Elsie – I felt like I was on a train because of the detail in the music
    Rosie – it went slower then faster

    What sounds can you hear in the music that helps you to imagine the train moving?
    Daniel – I heard it go fast and then slow
    Minnie – I could hear the train moving along the track

    What instruments did you see being played by the orchestra?
    We saw lots of instruments like a trumpet, a piano, violins, flutes, trombones and we also saw the composer at the front of the orchestra.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 enjoyed listening to the music and the animation to go with ‘The Little Train of Caipira.’
    We talked about the orchestra and learnt the word conductor. We also talked about the composer and learnt that he wrote the piece of music.

    How does the music make you feel when you listen to it?
    I feel happy. (Holly)
    I feel calm (Lemell)
    It makes me feel sleepy as it repeats (Emily)
    I thought it was boring. (Ted)
    I felt hot and bothered. (Conor)
    It was fast to begin and the hot at the end (Darcie)

    What sounds can you hear in the music that helps you to imagine the train moving?
    It sounds like the train moving along the track (Archie)
    I heard the whistle blowing. (Jacob)

    What instruments did you see being played by the orchestra?
    We saw trumpets, trombones, violins, flutes, a clarinet, drums and a tambourine. Lemell told us that there was an instrument called a ratchet making a scraping sound as the brakes went on the train. Freya said there was a shaker.

  3. 14vwilson says:

    How does it make you feel?
    Reuben- excited, as it was getting faster
    Gwen- jolly when it was the smooth part but the shuddering part wasn’t so good
    Clayton- happy and calm
    Eleonora- I like rock and roll so I found it a bit boring
    Luella- sometimes the instruments sounded angry

    What can you hear?
    Dylan- shakers
    Isabelle- the flute whistling and going up and down
    Alfie- the violins made the speed change
    Rio- drums sounded like it was moving along

    What instruments did you see being played?
    Hollie- drums
    Dominic- piano
    Pippa- big violins (We talked about these being cellos)
    Maya- flute
    We noticed horns and found out they were french horns.
    We weren’t sure about the names of the shakers and scrapers.

  4. s14sbrook says:

    Year 5:
    How does the music make you feel when you listen to it?
    Courtney – it makes me feel relaxed
    Matthew – it makes me feel like I’m on a train
    Ben A – it makes me feel strange because of the loud noises in the music
    Jenson – I felt relaxed and calm
    Georgia – it made me feel happy because all the instruments were making noises at the same time

    What sounds can you hear in the music that helps you to imagine the train moving?
    Charlie R – maybe maracas?
    Edward & Elliot – the chch sound was like train wheels going round
    Oakley – the whistle. It made me feel like I was at a train station
    Phoebe – the music felt like it was going up and down.

  5. Year 6 says:

    When we listen to it, it makes us feel:
    -calm and relaxed
    -feels like we are on a ride or train
    -sounds like a loud steam train

    The sounds we can hear that help us imagine a train moving are:
    -chug, chug, chug
    -choooo like a horn of a train
    -a bell
    -sounds like it’s speeding up
    -the creak of metal like a screech

    The instruments we can see:

  6. s14lstephens says:

    When we listen to it, it makes us feel:
    Sofia- Happy because the music is calm.
    Molly B- Excited because the music has a good beat.

    The sounds we can hear that help us imagine a train moving are:
    Aryan- High pitched sounds like the horn of the train.
    Charlie R- The drum is beating like the train tracks.

    The instruments we can see:
    John Rey- Trumpets, flutes and keyboards.
    Keira- Violins and woodwind instruments.

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