5th July

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7 Responses to 5th July

  1. s14smiah says:

    What do you think ‘being fair’ means?
    Lexi – this is when you get treated exactly the same as another person
    Charlie – For example if a boy and a girl do the same job and the boy got paid more, this wouldn’t be fair because they are doing the same thing.

    Which animals understand fairness? Did this surprise you?
    Jacob – Bats, birds, dogs and monkeys. I was surprised by the bats because you wouldn’t think a bat would be that smart.

    How can you be fair to our planet? Why is this so important?
    Alice – take your litter home
    James – make wildlife homes and protect our natural environments
    Keeyen – Don’t throw plastic in the sea – take everything home and put it in the bin
    Isla – try and reuse and recycle things as much as possible

    Are there things in your life that are not fair?
    Siblings getting to do things that you can’t, or siblings blaming things on you, professional sports players getting paid more than doctors and other crucial jobs and littering.

    Why is it important to be treated fairly?
    Lily – so you don’t feel like you’re the odd one out.
    Keeyen – to make sure everyone feels happy.

  2. Mrs Arnold says:

    Whats Unfair?
    Dylan thought it is unfair in football when a player gets a yellow card.
    Pippa said when her mum makes her do the washing up.
    Mohammad said its unfair when dad is doing the jetwashing but his dad said he can do it.
    Alex says its unfair when his sister has a bigger room than him.
    Albie and Eva think its unfair when their siblings don’t let them in their bedrooms.
    Jay feels its unfair when he wakes up because his brother is afraid of the dark.

    Why is it important to be treated fairly?
    Gwen said because someone could get in trouble when they haven’t done something wrong.
    Jack said its important so everyone and everything is fair .

    Is getting paid less for the same job fair? Tell me why you think this.
    Orlas told us that it’s not fair because people are doing exactly the same work.

    Year 2 think we can be fair to our plant by reducing, reusing and recycling. Its important because we want to save our plant.

  3. miss haines says:

    We think being fair means everyone is treated the same.

    Monkeys, bats and dogs understand fairness. The bats surprised us!

    Here are some examples about things in our life that aren’t fair:
    -in my football group they had a bigger amount of players to choose from
    -getting the blame for things that you didn’t do
    -waiting a long time for things
    -not being treated equally
    -playing sports against children a lot older than me
    -when people are unkind to me for no reason
    -when shops won’t take back items that don’t work

    It is important to be treated fairly so everyone has an equal chance and so that everyone feels valued and important.

    Getting paid less for the same job is unfair but if they are a trainee or do less hours then it is ok.

    It is important to be fair for our planet so that all the things that live on it stay alive. We can be fair to our planet by
    -using cars as little as possible
    -walking more
    -not littering
    -less carbon footprints
    -less plastic packaging
    -valuing nature more
    -cutting down less trees
    -take your own bags shopping
    -buys less new things – reuse things, especially clothes!
    -waste less food

  4. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 enjoyed watching the video about fairness. We discussed what it means to be fair and many of the children related it to the importance of sharing with others in the class. They said it is unfair when other children don’t share toys or resources to complete activities. Foundation 2 all understood that it is important to be treated fairly. Elsie said that if people weren’t treated fairly then it would make them feel sad.

    How can you be fair to our planet?
    Esme: we need to recycle
    Rosie: don’t dump rubbish in rivers
    Elsie: we can litter pick
    Kyton: we can walk or scooter to school to help the planet

  5. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 discussed what fairness is and we agreed that it is doing the right thing and treating people the same. WE talked about things in our life that are not fair. These are some of the things that were said:

    – having to do chores
    – not being with the partner that I want
    – not allowed to do certain things when we want to

    We talked about when we have been treated unfairly. For example perhaps when we have been told off for something that we have not done.

    We all agreed that we should treat people fairly and that sometimes when we think things aren’t fair it is sometimes because we haven’t got what we want and that actually it is fair after all!

    We definitely think that people who do the same job should get the same amount of pay. We can make sure there is more fairness in the world by all all doing the right thing in looking after everyone and our wonderful world.

  6. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 talked about what fairness is. Lois said it was people having the same amount of things. Molly said it is when you share things out. Charlie said it is when you are treated the same way as others.

    We found out that bats, dogs and monkeys understand fairness and we were surprised about bats. Imogen told us about her dog and that he knows what she wants him to do. she said some animals do understand humans.

    Most of year 1 thought that the things in their lives were fair but Sofia said she had had Jenny to play on Friday and her Mum gave her and Jenny a plain ice cream and her brother had a chocolate one so she thought that was unfair. We talked about why this might have happened. Imogen said it is not fair when she has to go to bed earlier than her brother. Aiden said it is not fair when his Mum asks him to do chores. We had a long chat about this.

    Year 1 think it is important to be treated fairly as it shows respect and it is kind. Aryan said when you are treated nicely it makes you feel happy inside. Molly said if you are treated fairly by others it will mean that you treat others fairly too.

    Year 1 said it wasn’t fair to be paid less for the same job unless you did less work. We talked about having more experience and greater knowledge. We agreed the world would be a fairer place if everybody was treated equally.

    We can be fair to our planet by using our cars less, not dropping litter, reducing waste, re using things, recycling and taking our own bags when we go shopping.

  7. 14vwilson says:

    In Year 3, we talked a lot about gratitude and how it can be linked with being fair, eg. if we don’t think it’s fair for someone to have a better bike than us, we should be grateful for the bike we do have. We also talked a lot about how other countries aren’t treated in a fair way and that their needs are different to what they actually have. This lead to a further discussion about being grateful for what we have.

    Things that are not fair?
    Max- when my brother gets to eat more sweets than me
    Charlie R- parents being allowed to eat chocolate when I’m not allowed
    Georgia- my sister going places that I don’t get to go

    Have you eve been treated unfairly?
    Matthew- yes, when I’m sent to bed too early
    Edward- yes, when my sister gets away with shouting at me
    Jenson- when my sister hurts me and I et in to trouble

    Why should we treat people fairly?
    Libby- they might get upset
    Elliot- it could hurt people’s feelings
    Charlie T- because we should want to solve it
    Matthew- he pointed out that we should treat animals fairly too

    We all agreed that everyone should get the same pay if they are doing the same job!

    We reflected on the boy’s words…”Treat people equally, but respect that we are each unique!”

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