17th May

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7 Responses to 17th May

  1. s14smiah says:

    Did Tom succeed?
    Alice thinks that Tom was really confident and he tried and tried and he didn’t give up.

    How did he ensure he succeeded?
    Year 5 think that Tom was dedicated and very resilient and he practiced to improve his performance.

    What changed Meena’s mind?
    Tom changed Meenas mindset as she saw him juggle and not give up.

    Do you think she did the right thing?
    Meena did the right thing because she pushed herself and didn’t give up and eventually had a positive mindset.

    Do you have a positive mindset?
    Lexi has a positive mindset as her dog behaved this morning which put her in a good and positive mood.
    Georgia has a positive mindset as she played in the garden this morning and enjoyed the fresh air.

    Can you give me some examples of when you challenged yourself?
    Archie remembered when he was in Year 3 and he was really nervous about doing the Cheswick talent show. He challenged himself and changed his mindset and enjoyed being on the stage.
    Ada challenges herself with her school work and always tries her best.
    Keeyen challenges himself when he has to tidy his room!
    Elijah challenges himself when he goes on bike rides.

    Is there something you could challenge yourself with now?
    James and Neil are going to challenge themselves in P.E this morning.
    Anaya is going to challenge herself in Science this afternoon.
    Eva is going to challenge herself with fractions in Maths.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 really enjoyed learning about having a positive mindset and were not sure what this meant until they had watched the clip. They told me that Tom displayed a positive mindset from the word go and was determined to try something new. His friends were not so sure. Molly said that Tom succeeded because he kept practising and did not give up. Charlie said he had determination.
    Lois told us that it was Tom that changed Meesha’s mind. He had said that it wasn’t easy to do something new but that was the whole point of it – to challenge yourself.
    Charlie said that Tom’s positive mindset had made his friends think carefully. Gracie said that Meesha had changed her dance at the end of it and was proud of herself. We talked about making small steps to change.

    Imogen W is going to challenge herself this week to learn some tricky spellings. Jenny is having a positive mindset about doing her buttons up herself on her cardigan. Charlie is going to challenge himself to keep his bedroom tidy.

    We are all going to try hard to keep a positive mindset.

  3. miss haines says:

    Yes Tom did succeed because he kept trying and then he managed to achieve what he wanted.

    Meena’s mind was changed by Tom. Yes she did the right thing because she now has a growth mindset.

    Here are some of our challenges:
    -doing the Tarzan swing at go ape the weekend
    -jumping off a play area when I was scared
    -keep trying with my horse riding until I am where I want to be
    -having a positive mindset on arithmetic questions and I achieved 40/40
    -being resilient with friendships
    -I was scared with contact rugby at first but now I am good and really enjoy it
    -making my writing the best it can be
    -volunteering to read aloud

  4. Anonymous says:

    Year 3 often talk about growth mindset, so were able to describe it as…
    Georgia-never give up
    Archie- keep going
    Edward- the opposite of negative thoughts

    We talked about the story.
    Layla-Rose knew that Tom had a good growth mindset because he was willing to challenge himself. She also recognised that Meesha changed her mindset with Tom’s encouragement.

    In Year 3, lots of children were able to talk about times they have used a growth mindset…
    Charlie T- When I get frustrated, I take myself away from the situation and then come back to it.
    Ben B- I watched a football coaching video to help me get better.
    Elliot- I’m challenging myself to save up to buy a new computer, rather than spending my money along the way.
    Archie- When I was smaller and was learning to ride my bike, I kept getting back on when I fell off.

    As a class, we talked about having inner voices, 1. giving us positive thoughts and number 2. trying to make us think negatively. Like Tom, in the story, we decided we were going to ‘coach’ ourselves and make sure our positive voice was louder!

  5. Mrs Arnold says:

    Did Tom succeed?
    Dylan – Yes he did because he tried really hard

    How did he ensure he succeeded?
    Chandler – He made sure that he was resilient

    What changed Meena’s mind?
    Gwen – Tom changed Meena’s mind to do something a bit different

    Do you think she did the right thing?
    Orla – I think she did the right thing because she was just doing the same thing over and over and Tom encouraged her to do something else.

    Do you have a positive mindset?
    Mrs Arnold spoke about the fact that she didn’t have a growth mindset until she was about 25 and decided to try new things. Before then, she stuck to her comfort zone and did the same things and ate the same things all the time!

    Can you give me some examples of when you challenged yourself?
    Mrs Arnold – Running
    Pippa – Karate
    Chandler – Computer
    Eva – Cantered with no hands on my horse
    Mylo – Black rice
    Orla – Drama school
    Maya – Bike riding
    Gwen – 8.1 miles on my bike in the rain with my Dad
    Jack S – Helping my Dad with D.I.Y and using a hammer carefully
    Luke – Tricks on my skateboard
    Dylan – Skateboard
    Rio – Looking after my new dog

  6. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 enjoyed talking about how they challenge themselves both at home and at school.

    Kyton: I tried really hard to learn how to ride my bike without stabilisers.
    Minnie: I wanted to write the word “flamingo” and I used my sounds to write it by myself.
    Morwenna: I can now ride my bike without stabilisers. I practised on the grass first.
    Charlie: I tried hard to learn how to write my name. Now I can do it by myself.
    Oliver: When my toys break I try to fix them.
    Brooke: I can ride my scooter by myself.
    Chloe C: I challenge myself when I am writing.

  7. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 have been talking a lot about growth mindset this term and the need to be positive, resilient and believe in yourself. We loved the story. Tom didn’t give up and kept on trying. This enabled him to succeed and to inspire Meena. We talked about how we can help each other to keep going and not to give up. Meena challenged herself and this takes lots of self -belief. Year 4 talked about times that they have challenged themselves. We could think of lots of examples such as learning to swim, ride a bicycle and complete tricky maths!

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