26th April 2021

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8 Responses to 26th April 2021

  1. Mrs Arnold says:

    Do you know the meaning/moral of the story?

    Chandler – Don’t tell lies because it could cause problems in the long run.

    Were you surprised by the ending?

    Eva – I was surprised with this ending because the man went to comfort the boy and tell him the moral of what he had done

    What were the consequences of the shepherd boy’s lies?

    Gwen – The wolf eventually did come and ate all the boy’s sheep .

    What do you think the boy will learn from this?

    Luke – The boy will learn to never lie again after this.

    Do you think he would cry ‘wolf’ again?

    Mylo – No I don’t think the boy will cry wolf again.

  2. Mrs Arnold says:

    Holly – I told a lie when my brother asked me if I wanted to use his deodorant and I said no and told him it was because I was a girl. The truth was I didn’t like the smell but I didn’t want to offend him.

    We have discussed what a ‘white lie’ is and how sometimes it saves people’s feelings.

  3. s14smiah says:

    Do you know the meaning/moral of the story?
    Lily – You should never lie because people are likely not to believe you – even when you are telling the truth. You need to be truthful.

    Were you surprised by the ending?
    Alice – I was surprised because I thought he would get hurt by the wolf and I thought the villagers would come to help him.

    What were the consequences of the shepherd boy’s lies?
    Ava – the sheep got eaten by the wolf and he ended up really sad and distressed.

    What do you think the boy will learn from this?
    Charlie – not to lie and always be truthful.

    Do you think he would cry ‘wolf’ again?
    Year 5 think that he has learnt his lesson and he won’t do that again.

  4. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved this story and told me that the message is that you should always tell the truth and never tell lies. Molly told us that in the story when the wolf came none of the villagers believed him because they knew he had been lying on the other occasions.
    Aiden said he was surprised by the story ending and he did not expect there to be a real wolf in the story.
    We talked about the word consequences. Charlie told us that the boy was upset that nobody believed him when he needed help but he understood that because he had lied before to the villagers, they did not believe him.
    We think that the boy learnt an important lesson and think that he will always tell the truth in the future.

    Year 1 did not share any times they had not told the truth. Gracie told us that her brother had lied to her and she said he felt bad after doing it. She is hoping that he will always tell the truth in future.

  5. Year 3 says:

    We talked about times when we have told some lies. Everyone agreed that there were times when they had told a lie.
    Elsie- My brother makes things up about his school day.
    Charlie T- tricked his sister with a lie once.
    Reuben- told a lie wen he didn’t want to leave the X-Box.

    We talked about reasons why we lie.
    Alex- we don’t want to get into trouble.
    Elliot- sometimes you get into more trouble if you don’t admit the truth.
    Finley- sometimes a lie can be ok if it is about something fun. We all agreed that this was a little white lie, eg. hiding a birthday surprise from someone etc…

    How do we feel when we’ve lied?
    William- a nervous feeling inside
    Alex- anxious
    Poppy-Mai- upset
    Phoebe- betrayed

    What if a friend lies about you?
    Alex said he felt heartbroken if a friend lied about him.
    Charlie T said lying is like a circle that grows and gets bigger.
    Archie said it would make you sad as you’ve broken a promise about rules of friendship.

  6. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 enjoyed the story about the boy who cried wolf.

    Daniel says the moral of the story is if you lie, nobody will believe you and there could be dangerous consequences.

    Josh shared with the class that he once watched a movie that he wasn’t old enough for. The consequence was that his Dad refused to let him watch any films.
    Elodie had her phone taken off her and she took it back without asking her Mum. When her Mum found out she took it off her for even longer. It made Elodie feel annoyed but she knew she had done the wrong thing.

    Year 6 also discussed that sometimes there are occasions where telling a ‘fib’ is a better choice as it could make someone feel better rather than worse.

  7. Year 4 says:

    Do you know the meaning/moral of the story?
    Haris/Toby – Lying is bad because it means people will stop believing what you say and helping you.

    What were the consequences of the shepherd boy’s lies?
    The villagers didn’t believe the boy when there was a real danger.

    What do you think the boy will learn from this?
    To tell the truth.

    In Year 4 we had different examples of when people had lied. Some were for good reasons, such as protecting someone or something and others were bad, which the children felt upset about after.

  8. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 are familiar with this story as we have read it in class. We discussed how the story tells us how it is important to always tell the truth. Foundation 2 thought that the boy had learned his lesson and would not tell lies again.

    We talked about times where we had lied. Foundation 2 talked about times people they know had not told the truth. They said they felt sad when they realised they had been lied to.

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