Assembly 19th April

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7 Responses to Assembly 19th April

  1. s14smiah says:

    Year 5:
    When is St George’s Day?
    Friday 23rd April

    What do you know about St George?
    – He fought a dragon
    – He was a Roman soldier
    – He was very brave
    – He wore shiny armor and carried a sword and a shield
    – He stayed true to his faith

    Why was St George so brave?
    Alice – He killed the dragon and saved the Princess
    Neil – King Edward III made him a patron because of his bravery

    When have you been brave?
    Georgia – when I had to have a needle in my vein
    Eva – when I broke my collar bone
    Freya R – when I had to have injections in my shoulder
    Archie – when I split my hand open in a car door
    Ollie – knocked my teeth
    Jacob – when I went down a waterslide
    Elijah – when I did a really big jump onto a rope swing off a cliff

    Who do you think is brave?
    Lily – My Auntie
    Riley – My Mum
    Dylan – My Dad when he broke his leg
    James – My brother when he does his COVID test
    Charlie – My Grandad when he had the COVID vaccine

  2. Year 1 says:

    Jenny told us that St George’s day is on the 23rd April.
    These are the things we know about St George.
    – He slayed a dragon and saved a princess. (Molly)
    – He was a Roman soldier (Charlie)
    – He rides a horse. (Aiden)
    -He is brave. (Lukas)
    -He is a Christian (Lois)
    Molly G told us that St George was brave as he slayed a dragon to save a princess.

    Teddy and Zac have been brave when they have fallen over and hurt themselves.
    Imogen was brave when she touched a cactus.
    Jaxon was brave today as he started at our school.
    Imogen W was brave coming back to school after a holiday.
    Gracie was brave when she broke her arm.

    We talked about the people who have to be brave to do their jobs like firefighters, doctors and nurses.
    Year 1 had lots to tell me about being brave!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Year 3 enjoyed listening to the story about St George. They agreed that he showed great bravery. We talked about him being strong, fearless and courageous.
    The children thought about times they had to be brave…
    When I had my ears pierced – Matilda
    When I fell off my horse- Georgia
    When I tried to a flip but fell- Archie
    When I went to Go Ape- Phoebe

    We then went on to think about how we can be brave like St George.
    Alex said that we shouldn’t give up when we fear something.
    Phoebe said we should believe in ourselves.
    Max said we must keep trying.
    Matilda said we should think about the gain we get at the end.

    Many children recognised the colours in the English flag and said they had seen these at football games and outside houses. We looked at the others parts and recognised their link with the flags of Scotland and Northern Island. We were unsure about Wales but thought it must be something to do with history.

  4. Year 4 says:

    We loved learning about St George in year 4. St George’s day is today! Friday 23rd April. St George is the patron saint of England and he was very brave because he killed a dragon. We talked about times that we have been very brave if we have hurt ourselves or when we have done something for the first time.

    We talked about people who have jobs which require them to be very brave like doctors and firefighters. This year because of COVID, lots of people who work for the NHS have had to be very brave.

  5. miss haines says:

    St George’s Day is on the 23rd April.
    St George slayed the dragon to free the Princess and this made him brave.

    Examples of our bravery:
    -residential trip jumping off a shaking platform
    -at Ackers jumping off a big ledge
    -when I was bitten by a dog

    People we think are brave:
    -Captain Tom Moore
    -members of our family
    -Greta Thunberg
    -members of the NHS
    -police officers
    -members of the navy and army

  6. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 had lots of fun learning about St. George’s Day. We made dragons, swords, shields and England flags to help with our learning. We found out that St. George was very brave because he had to fight a dragon to save a princess and that St. George’s Day is celebrated on 23rd April each year.

    Foundation 2 spoke about times when they have had to be brave, such as when they fall over and hurt themselves. We discussed how people who help us, such as firefighters, doctors and police officers, have to show bravery everyday.

  7. Mrs Arnold says:

    Year 2 enjoyed learning about St George’s day and all about the story of the dragon.

    We discussed being brave, the children said:

    Rio – I was brave when I got the football off someone

    Pippa – I was brave when I went on a big slide when I was on holiday, I went for it and did it all by myself

    Alfie – I was brave to hold a snake

    Dylan – I was brave when I went on a rollercoaster. I had to put my hands up in the air!

    Sophia – I was brave because I was afraid of a spider and got rid of it

    Jobs of people being brave are:

    Army soldier

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