29th March

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5 Responses to 29th March

  1. s14smiah says:

    What are the some of the ways you may need to be brave as you grow up?
    James – you have to be brave if you have to take a Covid test
    Eva – when you break a bone or hurt yourself
    Riley – when trying new things
    Ada – when you go to secondary school
    Hannah – doing SATS

    Tell me a time you have needed to be brave:
    Ava – when I was on the shark attack slide on holiday
    Alice – When you pull your tooth out
    Lily – I was brave when I went to hospital and was in lots of pain
    Freya S – when I did an Irish Dancing competition
    Anaya – when I had to have a blood test

    Do you think you are a brave person and why?
    Jacob – Yes because pain doesn’t really worry me
    Elijah – Yes because I have been through a dramatic event and I was brave
    I think everyone in Year 5 is really brave 🙂

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 talked about some of the ways they would need to be brave as they grow up.
    – Going underwater when you learn to swim (Molly)
    – When you go on a scary ride at a theme park (Liliana)
    – When you break a bone and have to have a cast on (Gracie)
    -When you have an injection (Emma)
    -When you go on an aeroplane (Sadie)

    Gracie told us she had to be brave when she went to the hospital with a broken arm and had to have x-rays.
    Charlie told us he had to be very brave when he did a forward roll underwater when he was swimming.

    Aiden said he is brave when he wants to be adventurous.
    Olivia said she is brave when she wants to conquer her fears.

    Lois said that Barnabus was brave and Ella said that all the other failed projects were brave too as they had to trust Barnabus and work together as a team.

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 talked about some of the ways they would need to be brave as they grow up.
    – Going underwater when you learn to swim (Molly)
    – When you go on a scary ride at a theme park (Liliana)
    – When you break a bone and have to have a cast on (Gracie)
    -When you have an injection (Emma)
    -When you go on an aeroplane (Sadie)

    Gracie told us she had to be brave when she went to the hospital with a broken arm and had to have x-rays.
    Charlie told us he had to be very brave when he did a forward roll underwater when he was swimming.

    Aiden said he is brave when he wants to be adventurous.
    Olivia said she is brave when she wants to conquer her fears.

    Lois said that Barnabus was brave and Ella said that all the other failed projects were brave too as they had to trust Barnabus and work together as a team.

  4. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 discussed the meaning of being brave and how they have shown bravery.
    Esme said, “when you are brave you might do something you don’t like but you keep going.”
    Brooke said, ” I’m brave when I’m cooking with mummy because I have to be safe near hot things.”
    Jake said, “I’m brave when I chop food with a knife because knives are sharp.”
    Oliver said, “I was brave when I went on a rollercoaster ride. I was really scared and then the ride finished.”
    Elsie said, “I was brave when I went to ‘Go Ape’. I climbed up trees and I was scared but daddy was there with me and he helped me to be brave.”

    We talked about how Barnabus and all the failed projects showed bravery in “The Barnabus Project” by escaping the secret lab.

  5. Mrs Arnold says:

    In Year 2 we talked about bravery and being brave.
    What are the some of the ways you may need to be brave as you grow up?
    Ava: Be brave in the dark
    Isabelle: Be brave turning the alarm off
    Dominic: Be brave when making new friends
    Gwen: Be brave when performing

    Tell me a time you have needed to be brave:

    Orla: On a rollercoaster
    Hollie: Starting a new school
    Eleonora: Going to the dentist

    Do you think you are a brave person and why?
    Alfie: I’m brave because I held a snake
    Isaac: I was brave when I had my tooth knocked out and had to have an x-ray
    Albie: I had to be brave going up a high mountain

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