2nd September

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8 Responses to 2nd September

  1. Mrs Arnold says:

    Part 1:
    The children in Year 2 thought the photos are all about ‘New Beginnings’ – we thought that you could have photos of new pencil cases, new experiences like when your a baby or the first day of school.

    This year is different because we had to bring in plastic pencil cases, using hand gel, the classroom layout, bring in our own snack, bringing in our water bottle, teachers.

    However, there are still things the same like – our class (Maya), the furniture (Isaac), behaviour chart and rules (Mohammed), our uniform, our playground.

    We are happy to be back!

  2. miss haines says:

    Year 6 though the connection of the pictures was they were all of new starts and new beginnings. We thought other pictures we could have added to these could have been a tadpole, a puppy or a kitten.

    We had a long discussion about what is the same and what is different and that the things that are different are in place to keep us safe.

    Our favourite sayings were:
    -open your eyes and you will see many wonderful things
    -treat people how you want to be treated – we think this is very important for us to follow at school
    -use your eyes to listen and learn – we think this is really important to help us do the best learning we can do

    We like to learn about:
    -ICT, History, Geography, Maths, PE, Reading, English, Art

    Here are some of our sayings:
    -believe in yourself and you will always succeed
    -use your nose and smell the world
    -treat nature as you treat your family and friends
    -when life gets you down, don’t give up
    -there’s no such thing as failure, just lessons
    -never give up
    -don’t judge others

  3. Miss Miah says:

    Year 5 says:
    Can you think of any other pictures that could be added to these?
    – A new born puppy
    – Starting a new company or job
    – Starting a new school

    Which saying is your favourite and why?
    Always tell the truth
    What do you like to learn about?
    Alice likes to learn about stuff that happened in the war (History)
    Lexi likes to learn about art
    Isla likes RE
    Adah likes PE and playing sport
    Eva, Anaya, Laila, Lily-Mae, Dylan, Ellis. Lily, Hannah, Freya, Neil. Archie, James and lots others like Maths 🙂

    Could your class make up a saying to help you?
    Never give up, even if you’re stuck.

    Don’t bully, be nice, otherwise you will get told off.

    Trust the crust.

  4. s14sbrook says:

    Year 2 enjoyed reading the powerpoint about “The Boy Who Loved to Learn”. We enjoyed all of the sayings but our favourite was,

    “Always see that you have a friendly smile which tells other people that you are kind”.

    As a class we love learning about lots of different subjects. Our favourites are:
    Circle Time

    Some of our sayings are:
    “When people are talking, you should always listen to them.”
    “Always smile at people.”
    “Let people help you.”
    “Be kind with your actions.”
    “Always let people play with you.”
    “It’s not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside that counts.”

  5. Mrs Parker says:

    Year 1 loved looking at all the pictures and were really quick to guess the connection and said they were all about new starts and new beginnings. Their suggestions were kittens and puppies for extra pictures. They recognised that being in year 1 was a new start for them all.

    We talked about what is similar and what is different this year. The first thing the children told me was their uniform was different – white polo tops now for year 1. They said they had a new classroom, new teachers, a drawer to keep their things, a pencil case, a water bottle of their own, a new playground to play on, eating their lunch in the classroom and no assemblies. Things that were the same were their friends and class, their green jumpers and cardigans, learning lots of new things and being a part of the Cheswick Green family.
    We also talked alot about the rules to add to our Jigsaw code. we are adding social distancing, washing our hands and showing our friends we care by doing air high fives, air hugs, waving and smiling. We had a lot of fun trying them all out!!

    Year 1 loved the second assembly about the boy in China and we practised saying his name! They also said it was good to learn new things and important to practice to get better and improve.
    We liked all the sayings but especially good looking and listening. We talked about treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. Everyone agreed this was really important.
    We met Jigsaw Jack for the first time and he is going to stay and look after us in year 1.

    • Anonymous says:

      Year 3 enjoyed the assemblies about new starts. We discussed lots of changes in our classroom. They noticed that the desks are in rows, we are eating in class and we are needing to wash our hands lots. We thought about lots of new ways to say hello or well done whilst staying socially distanced. We thought of…air high fives, air hugs, a smile, communicating lots with each other, lazer tag, elbow bumps and asking each other how we are feeling.

      They enjoyed the story about the boy who loved to learn. Here are some sayings of our own and from the story..
      -respect one another and be honest as it can get worse if you aren’t – Georgia
      -be kind, open doors for each other- Finley
      -Be happy and learn – Dakota
      – Don’t hurt others- Phoebe
      – when someone has won, don’t say ‘ugh’, you play fair and say well done- Charlie T
      -say nice things- Ellis
      -Sayplease and thank you- Poppy Mai
      -always try your best- Miss Wilson

      In our class, we like …
      maths- Matthew
      playing games- Jenson
      writing – Elsie
      science- Noor-Ul
      english, science and maths – Elliot
      everything – Ben A
      english, science and playing with friends -Alex

      We are looking forward to the next assemblies.

    • Anonymous says:

      We hope you have made a really good start in Year 1.
      Well done for noticing all of the changes.
      We can’t wait to see you in assemblies when they restart.

      Year 3

  6. Mrs Bird says:

    Year 4:

    We talked about the connection between the pictures and this is what we came up with:

    * Learning together
    * All doing something new
    * Keeping fit and active
    * Growing up
    * Having an end goal
    * Having something to celebrate
    * New beginnings
    Part 2 – The boy who loved to learn
    We loved the story. Here are some of our favourite sayings:

    * Tell the truth
    * Be kind and well behaved
    * Be happy and smile to show others you are kind
    * Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

    In Year 4 we like to learn about maths, art, topic, history, English and learning how to improve our work.

    Our class sayings are:

    Be kind to others to receive kindness
    Always get to know each other to understand one another
    Respect others and they will respect you
    Be friendly
    We never fight back – we use kind words and kind hands.

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