Home Learning Summer Week 1

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17 Responses to Home Learning Summer Week 1

  1. Mrs Evans says:

    We have a lovely cat, she is black and white and called Tinkerbell, we call her Tink. She is quite old now, she is 12, which in cat years is makes her over 70. She is a very independent and isn’t that keen on being stroked and definitely doesn’t like being picked up. Tink doesn’t go very far, but loves to sit in the garden in the sunshine. A cat is very easy to look after so as long as she has fresh water and her favourite fishy food, she loves tuna, somewhere comfortable to sleep (she sleeps a lot) she is happy. Would be lovely to hear about your pets.
    Mrs Evans

  2. Gwendoline says:

    I would like a boy horse, his name would be Phillip. I will feed him, walk him, groom him, clean him and his stables and give him some water. I cannot wait to come back to school!!

  3. Mrs Parker says:

    Wow! Well done Gwen. You certainly know a lot about looking after animals. Thank you for the super photos. I look forward to being back in school too with all your friends. Keep working hard!

  4. Dominic says:

    We have a marine aquarium at home. There are 7 fish, and they are all different colours. Yellow, blue, black & white, etc. Some fish prefer to swim and some prefer to sit on corals and watch the world.
    I would really love to have a cat called Fabian. I would also love my cat to be yellow with orange stripes and to have brown eyes. I would look after my cat and I would feed him cat food. My cat would sleep on a blanket.
    I saw rhyming words in the cat video. Some were Cat, Fat, That. But I saw more – grateful and plateful, thinner and dinner.
    I loved that cat video because I love cats!

    • s14LParker says:

      Hi Dominic
      Thank you for writing on the blog. I am pleased to hear you liked that cat video and that you would like a cat. You clearly know how to look after them. Your marine aquarium sounds fab!

  5. Chandler roper says:

    We have 2 guinea pigs called Bubble and Squick. They eat lots and lots. They eat grass and they love dandelions. They eat vegetables like carrots. They eat my apple cores and my mums tomatoes. They like to drink water. We clean the hutch and they eat hay. I like to stroke them and look after them.

    • s14LParker says:

      Hi Chandler
      Lovely to hear about your pet Guinea pigs. They have great names! I am pleased to hear you look after them well.

  6. ROCo says:

    We have a cat named Chelsea, she has lots of fur and is very fluffy. She likes to sleep on my bed in the day and makes lots of mess with her food.

    • s14LParker says:

      Lovely to hear about your cat Chelsea. I guess your bed is warm and a comfortable place for her to sleep. Thank you for writing on the blog!

  7. 1 says:

    I haven’t got a pet but I really would like a dog. I found this poem that I like its called Can I get a pet?

    Can i get a pet?

    Will you let me
    Get a pet?
    I will take it to the vet!

    Please mom can I get a pet?
    I bet I will like it.
    Can I get one yet?

  8. Eleonora says:

    I haven’t got a pet here in England,but I have one in Sardinia, at grandma home,she is a little dog,her name is Olivia,she is sweet and lovely,she always sleeps on my bed,and she wakes me up every mothing with her sticky tongue!

    • s14LParker says:

      That is lovely to hear Eleonora. What breed of dog is she? I like her name. Does your Grandma send you photos of her? Thank you for writing on the blog. It is lovely to hear from you.

  9. Eleonora says:

    Good morning Mrs Parker,she is a Pinscher,and my grandma sends me lots of pictures,I miss Olivia very much…

  10. Rio says:

    I have loved doing activities about animals and pets, we have a pet cat called gizmo and I love to play with him with his toys!

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