Monday 9th March

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5 Responses to Monday 9th March

  1. s14smiah says:

    Year 6:
    There are many different habitats on planet Earth. How many can you think of?
    Mountains, forests and rainforests, sea, desert, lakes, rivers and swamps, the coastline, fields and open patches of land.

    Which type of habitat would you most like to visit? Why?
    Joel would like to visit some mountains because he would feel on top of the world.
    Alfie and Kai O would like to see underneath the sea to visit all the fish and creatures under water.
    Jacob would like to visit the rainforest to see how animals survive against predators.
    Ted would like to go up Snowdon because it’s not too high so not too dangerous but he can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
    Aidan would like to see the forests because of the beautiful landscape and the animals there such as hedgehogs, foxes and badgers.
    Rylee would like to visit the desert.

    Can you find any animals or plants that have adapted to their habitat ?
    Ella said that penguins have adapted to their habitat as they have a thick layer of skin to keep warm. Aidan said that camels have humps to store water to rehydrate as they can go for long periods without water. Sophie told us that cacti have spikes to protect themselves, Ted said that finches have adapted their beaks so that they can eat different foods from different islands.

    How are habitats on our planet different to those on other planets?
    Planet Earth has a variety of habitats but some other planets don’t have water
    We have a breathable atmosphere for humans to survive but other planets don’t
    We have humans and other planets don’t
    We have gravity and others don’t

    Could there be life on other planets?
    Ted told us how Titan (a moon of Jupiter) has dead bacteria and germ cells which suggests there was life form at some point.

  2. Year 1 says:

    We talked about the photos and what we could see. The ideas we came up with were the desert, the Arctic and cold lands, the jungle, tropical rainforest, the sea, mountains and forests.
    Sebby said he would like to visit the jungle to find about nature and all the animals that live there.
    Albie said he would like to visit a snowy environment so he could see polar bears and build an igloo.
    Chhaya said she would like to visit the desert to ride on a camel. Eva said she would like to see and hear all the animals that live in the jungle. Holly said she would like to visit a rainforest to see all the varieties of plants and animals.

    Sebby knew David Attenborough and told us he was very interested in science and the environment. He said he presented lots of programmes about the environment which help us to learn about the world in which we live. He told us about ‘The Blue Planet’ and all the amazing creatures that live in our seas.
    Alfie told us that we need to look after our planet and not waste precious resources. We talked about cutting down on the use of plastics and how our Mums and Dads have reusable shopping bags!

  3. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 dicussed the meaning of the word ‘habitat’ and then worked in talk partners to discuss which habitat they would like to visit and why:
    Charlie G: “I want to go where the ice is to see Santa.”
    Jenny: “I want to go to the desert to see some camels.”
    Flossie: “I want to visit the mountains to learn how to snowboard and ski like my daddy.”
    Aiden: “I want to climb up the mountains.”
    Molly B: “I want to go to the forest to find loads of animals and become a detective.”

  4. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 have already enjoyed activities as part of Science week. Yesterday, they learnt all about the ‘Cutty Sark’ Ship which was used to transport Cargo around the world. We then made our own ships out of paper in an activity called ‘Don’t tip the ship.’ We floated our boats on the water and then experimented to see how much weight need to be added before the ship sank. From this we learnt that when carrying cargo, ships need to evenly distribute the weight so that it doesn’t sink.

  5. Year 5 says:

    – the artic
    – the desert
    – the sea
    – the rainforest
    – forest/woods
    – underground
    – mountains
    – grasslands

    Sir David Attenborough
    – he has made many documentaries about our planet. In the documentaries, he has raised awareness about climate change and sometimes his videos just inform us about our amazing planet and their animals.

    – Monkeys have strong arms, tails and thumbs so they can swing in trees.
    – Camels have long eyelashes and thin, slit nostrils that they can close to protect them from blowing sand.
    – We think there could be life on other planets but there needs to be water and oxygen.

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