Bird’s Nest

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23 Responses to Bird’s Nest

  1. 14Tbaker says:

    I feel quite sad about what had happened to the birds but I think that the birds nest is fabulous. It also smells.

  2. Anonymous says:

    i think that it is sad that

  3. luke says:

    This is not right what sort of bird would do this.

  4. merik says:

    i feel quit sad because the adult birds must’ve spent so long making that.

  5. Noah Wroughton says:

    I feel sory for the bird eggs because there mum and dad left them and that an evil bird came and attacked them

  6. stick man louis says:

    i feel quiet sAD

  7. Jack says:

    I feel sad because the eggs won’t become part of life.

  8. 14kasghar says:

    I feel quite sad but i thick you shoud bury them

  9. Aman Chana says:

    I feel very sad because the parents died and the new babies died so they wouldn’t be able to
    see what the earth is like.

  10. William says:

    Unhappy and quite sad, but it is just the way of nature and the attacker probly can not build a nest

  11. 14jsharma says:

    I think it is sad that a bird came, killed the other adult birds and left the baby birds to die and not hatch.

  12. amelia says:

    I feel sad about the nest and the eggs that havent hached propley

  13. A.F.Prins says:

    I am so sorry for the poor birds that were killed by the horrible other bird. It is sad that they hadn’t even had a chance to live. I like birds and my favourite bird is a Goldfinch.

  14. 14jellis says:

    i think that it is sad that a bird killed the mum and dad beacuse now the eggs won’t hatch.

  15. 14hcross says:

    I feel very sad as the baby birds are probably dead now.

  16. 14owhitworth says:

    I feel so sad but I do wish that they were kept warm so then they would beable to hatch.
    I love the nest it looks so great the mum and dad have really made the nest look cosy.
    If I was a bird I would love to live in a nest like that.

  17. Aman Chana says:

    :.( I think it is very sad.

  18. a.wright says:

    wow!!! toby thats good! it`s a shame they couldn`t hatch:o(

  19. 14oharmer says:

    I think this is realy sad because they could of hachet into little birds.

  20. 14acowie says:

    I feel quite sad because the parent birds have built this nest perfetly and they just have to leave because the parent birds have been attacked.

  21. Kenzie says:

    I feel sad that the eggswill never hatch

  22. Miss Shannon says:

    We must do our bit to help animals in the wild. Take a look at see what you can do to help the animals in your garden. I’m going to build a hedgehog haven.

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