Monday 25th November

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9 Responses to Monday 25th November

  1. Mrs Arnold says:

    We watched the clip about the Lion, Mouse and the Mosquito and reflected on how respect is something that you need to earn. Ways of showing respect are listening, smiling and making eye contact with other people.
    If you say something nice to another person, that is respect. If you help someone, when they are hurt – that is also respect. (Georgia). Respect needs to be shown to everyone (Neil).
    We have a poster in our classroom that is a good reminder: Respect – Give it. Get it.

  2. Miss Payne says:

    In Year 3 we have listened to the story about the Lion and the Mouse and the Mosquito. Ellie said we have learnt that we should show respect to others even if you are a girl or boy or large or small. It doesn’t matter who you are you should always show respect to others. Amelia says ‘If you show respect people will like you more and you will have more friends. It doesn’t matter if you are different.’
    Dexter says’ If you are mean you will not get any friends but if you are mean people will not want to be friends with you!’ We need to treat others how we want to be treated. This is called the GOLDEN RULE!
    Miss Payne shows respect to the children in her class and the children show Miss Payne respect. It goes BOTH WAYS!
    Respect is treated people nicely even if they are older or younger, says Imogen. Nathan says you should always respect people and then they will show it back to you.
    Good friends respect each other says Oliver!

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 talked about respect. They said it ‘Respect is thinking about and considering others.’ Gwen said respect is using good manners. Alfie said it is listening to others and making eye contact. Eva said it is when you put your hand up when you want to speak. Rio said it is helping others when they need your help. Dylan said it is not pushing and letting others go in front of you.
    We talked about the people we need to show respect to. The children said everyone who works in our school including Mrs Stephens, Mrs Smith in the office, Mr Radford, the cleaning staff, the cooks, the lunchtime supervisors and we need to be respectful to each other.
    The children enjoyed this story and said that the lion laughed at the mouse as he didn’t think he would be able to help him as he was so small. Isaac said that the mouse nibbled the net to free the lion. The lion was pleased and surprised that the mouse was able to help him get out of the trap.
    We are all working hard to be respectful to everybody in the way we behave in school, at home and in our community.

  4. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 enjoyed the story about the Lion and the Mouse and the Mosquito. We discussed ways we can show respect to others:

    “We can be a good friend. We can be kind to our friends.” Molly G
    “You can help other people” Molly B
    “We can listen to each other” Lois

  5. Anonymous says:

    i think being kind is a nice thing to be doing every time becuase if you were a bully or someone that is realy mean to someone how would you like it if someone hearts you everyone has feelings so be kind

  6. NLit says:

    Nathan says he should always respect other people then you will get the same back.
    always be a good friend and you get loads of friends.

  7. s14smiah says:

    YEAR 6:
    What does respect look like?
    Respect can be shown in many different ways for example: giving people eye contact, listening carefully, helping others and treating each other the same.

    Who should we show respect to?
    Year 6 believe that respect should be shown to everyone, no matter who they are or what their beliefs are. We discussed polite ways of telling someone that you don’t agree with them, but that you respect their opinion.

    In the story, the lion didn’t respect the mouse at first. What happened to help the lion learn to respect the mouse?
    The lion got trapped in the net and the mouse helped him out by chewing the rope. Afterwards, the lion realised that he should show respect to everyone.

    Year 6 discussed ways that they could earn respect today such as inviting others to play with them, being kind to others and helping them if they are stuck.

  8. YEAR 5 says:

    Respect is
    – valuing people and their ideas even if we don’t agree them
    – accepting everyone for who they are
    – including everyone
    – speaking politely and nicely to everyone
    – apologising if we are in the wrong

    We should respect everyone.

    In the story, the Lion in the end respected the mouse because when the Lion was trapped the mouse was able to help him.

  9. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 had a big discussion about what respect looks like. We said that respect is listening when someone is talking, helping one another when we are in need, talking to people politely. Year 2 enjoyed the story and were able to talk about how the lion learnt a lesson about respect. He learnt that you cannot just demand respect from others, you have to treat other people with respect too.

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