18th November

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8 Responses to 18th November

  1. s14cpayne says:

    Dexter could summarise the story about Savannah and her journey over 13, 000 km. She travels to Africa in the winter and returns to Scotland in the summer. On the way Ellie said she needs to eat insects while she is flying and also drink water from lakes and rivers while she’s flying! Amazing really! As a class we remembered that Savannah travelled a little bit every day and had to rest at night in the reeds by the river to protect herself.
    Some of the things she had to face were:
    Oscar – predators
    Riley – strong storms
    Sophie – heavy rain
    Danny – hot sun and staying on the correct path
    Toby – hurricanes and tornados
    Zunnurain – sand storms
    Ava – she has to be careful near water so she is not caught

    We can be like Savannah by;
    Sebastian – keep trying every day
    Lee – resting when we get tired – resting is not the same as giving up!
    Scarlett – Savannah used the other swallows to travel with and keep going
    Maisie – sometimes to be resilient means keep going a little bit at a time
    Dexter – you can be resilient by telling yourself you can do it!
    Amelia – work as a team to help each other
    Toby – don’t push to hard, take time to rest, then you will be able to go further
    Ellie – Savannah felt like giving up but was encouraged by others
    Haris – don’t give up!

    We all say together “I CAN DO THIS, I WILL BE FINE!”

  2. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 discussed the meaning of resilience and referred to our “Mr Men and Little Miss Characteristics of Effective Learning.” We discussed how “Mr Bump” always shows resilience as he keeps on trying different activities, even when he encounters difficulties! We thought about how we could show resilience in our learning:

    “We can keep on trying with our maths work” Gracie
    “If we get stuck on our homework we can keep trying” Molly B
    “We can keep on trying in our swimming lessons” Molly G
    “We can keep on trying to write” Aiden

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 enjoyed listening to the story of Savannah the swallow. Holly said that that he had to drink water on the move. Jack said he had to hide from predators. Gwen said he had to make sure he had eaten enough insects to give him lots of energy especially when flying over the Sahara desert. Hollie said it was a long journey to make which would take days. Luke said that Savannah had to drink water whilst on the move.
    Reuben said her friends helped her to overcome some of the challenges as they worked together as a team supporting each other. Hollie said that Savannah didn’t give up even though it was a very tough journey. Eleonora said she persevered and was determined to succeed.
    Year 1 said the things they learnt from the story were
    – keep on going
    -never give up
    -be resilient
    -don’t stop trying
    – work hard
    -believe in yourself
    – ask for help if you need it
    -be thankful
    We are all working hard and trying to be resilient when faced with challenges in our classroom.

  4. Year 2 says:

    The swallow had lots of challenges on her journey such as really bad weather and predators trying to catch her. She did not give up though and was really resilient. Resilience is when you keep on going even when things get hard. We talked about how we can be resilient with our learning. When things get tricky, we need to ask a friend or teacher to help us rather than giving up. Year 2 are going to keep going when things get hard just like the swallow!

  5. Mrs Arnold says:

    We talked about the challenges the swallow faced on its journey, such as the tropical storm. We talked about it was her friends that helped her with these challenges and that one of the lessons for us is that we need to keep on trying.

  6. NLit says:

    Swallow have to face dangerous animals. 13,000 meter for swallow Amazing how they do that.
    Swallows face some hard tasks to do. One of them is drinking while flying

  7. olivia says:

    The swallow believed in her friends

  8. s14smiah says:

    Year 6:
    What challenges did the swallow face?
    The swallow had challenges with predators and travelling round the Sahara desert because it was really big and there were sparrows making her life difficult.

    What helped her to overcome them?
    She learnt to fly whilst drinking water from the ocean and her friends were protecting her all the way.

    What can we learn from the story?
    Always stick with your friends and always be kind to them so that they will be there for you if you need them.

    What are your top tips for resilience so that we can achieve our new year resolutions…?
    Year 6 have many top tips such as: never give up even when things are challenging, always try your best and try to find a fun way to do your resolutions so that you are less likely to give up.

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