9th September

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7 Responses to 9th September

  1. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 were amazing at remembering the Jigsaw Code!!
    Join together as a whole school team.
    In all circumstances speak truthfully.
    Give respect to everyone.
    Spend time considering the choices we make.
    Always persevere,with our work and learn from our mistakes.
    Work to encourage and support each other.

    Holly told us that all of the code is important and there isn’t one letter that is more important than another one.
    Gwen, Orla, Eva and Chhaya said that telling the truth was the hardest part of the code to do. Dylan and Alex said that making good choices is the hardest part of the code.
    Chandler said that persevering was tricky especially when things were a real struggle.

    All the children agreed that if everybody keeps the code their Mums, Dads, teachers, Miss Mason, brothers, sisters and grandparents would be happy with them! Most importantly they could be proud of themselves.

  2. Elliot says:

    Elliot thinks the missing words are:
    – team
    – truthfully
    – respect
    – choices
    – persevere, mistakes
    – help

    He thinks the hardest thing to do is to respect someone, if they have been unkind to you. But he says if you try and speak kindly to them, then maybe they’ll be kind to you in the future.

    Elliot says following the code is important because it makes the school a nice place to be.

  3. Miss Payne says:

    Year 3 really enjoyed their assembly with Mrs Parker on Monday. We got to meet all the JIGSAW characters from each class. Our new Jigsaw character is JINO! He is purple and squishy and good for hugs. Nathan got to introduce him to the school.
    We learnt about the Jigsaw code and why it is so important. We have the CODE on the wall in our classroom to remind us how we should be in school. We talked about it this week in class.
    We solved the puzzle you gave us:

  4. s14smiah says:

    Year 6:
    Our jigsaw character is called Jem.
    Join together as a whole school team

    In all circumstances speak truthfully

    Give respect to everyone

    Spend time considering the choices we make

    Always practice and persevere with our work and learn from our mistakes

    Work to encourage and support each other

    Year 6 have been working hard this week to try their best in their learning and be kind and respectful to everyone.

  5. s14cpayne says:

    We have discussed the JIGSAW charter in Year 3 and what each section means.
    We enjoyed assembly on Monday with Mrs Parker. Nathan got to take Jigsaw Jino up to the front and introduce him to the school and we met all the other characters too!
    We think the most important part of the code is showing RESPECT to others because its the GOLDEN RULE – always treat others how you want to be treated.
    We worked out the missing words from the CODE.
    We have enjoyed spending time with our friends this week and learning with our new teacher.

  6. Year 5 says:

    Join together as a whole school team.
    In all circumstances speak truthfully.
    Give respect to everyone.
    Spend time considering the choices we make.
    Always practise, persevere with our work and learn from our mistakes.
    Work to encourage and support each other.

    We think all of the code is really important.

    We think the hardest part of the code is working as a team but we are working really hard on this and have improved on this since Year 4.

  7. Mrs Arnold says:

    Join together as a whole school team.
    In all circumstances speak truthfully.
    Give respect to everyone.
    Spend time considering the choices we make.
    Always persevere,with our work and learn from our mistakes.
    Work to encourage and support each other.

    We think that many aspects of the code achievable if we work hard enough. Zach said that joining together as whole team is the hardest because all people think different things and have ideas. Alice said that keeping to all the code is important to keep you from making mistakes.

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