3rd September

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26 Responses to 3rd September

  1. Ben Harris says:

    1. I am looking forward to going to boggle hole!

    2. I can help people who feel lonley and smile.

    3. Be good.

    4. get better at spelling.

  2. 14jmuc says:

    I am looking ford to all of the sckool trips

  3. Ajay says:

    Ajay yr5

    I am mostly looking forward to join in on tournaments.

    I can help new pupils in our school feel welcome by showing him where to go if he is confused.

    To make our school the best we should always try our hardest in learning.

    I will like to try to work more harder.

  4. 14RLittle says:

    the thing im looking forward to the most this year is seeing my friends,
    going on school trips and doing fun activities.How you can help new students
    to be welcome is you can show them around,let them play with you, try to be
    very kind to them and at lunch you can ask them if they want to sit next to you.
    To help make the school as good as it can be you can try you’re best,be kind to
    your classmates and teachers and to not talk when others are talking ecspecially
    you’re teacher or teachers.New things im going to try this year are playing for the
    school football team,make new friends and try and be the best i can!

  5. 14ekeegan says:

    i am really looking forword to going on school field trips

    letting them play and being kind and helpful

    by being greatful and kind also helpful

    i am gonna try to improve my hand writin and improve on maths and english

  6. Anonymous says:

    im looking forward to going on school trips with Miss Hains and the class i am also looking forward to learn about different things that i didnt know before. I will welcome peaple by allways being kind to them no matter what.We can make our school the best place we can by be tidy and allways clean when we make a mess and dont go in a mood because we have to clean.I am going to try to do more challenging things.

  7. daniel hillidge says:

    I am looking forward to the school trips and the maths
    you can show them around and if they are feeling lonley go over to them
    make everybody happy and smile

  8. Isla says:

    I am looking forward to go on school trips with my new teacher Miss Haines and my class and learning new stuff!How i can make new people feel welcome is by asking if they want to play or i could smile at them so it makes them feel happy.How we could make Cheswick Green the best it can be is to be kind to everyone in the school,respect other people,help others,tidy when the teacher needs help tidying and try your hardest in everything.The new things im going to try this year is do more challenging things like harder Maths,harder English,harder Spelling.The other new things im going to try this year is include everyone,listen,help lonely people.Kind regards Isla YR5!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am looking forword to go to
    school trips, baking,working.trying new things and being kind to everyone

    I would help them find everythink and if there lost i will help them to were the whant to go

    bye not wasting things,working hard

    Im going to try to work harder

  10. 14HNuttall says:

    I am looking forwards to going on a school trip to Bogle hole this year.To make people welcome we can be kind and play with them.To make the school the best it can be we can not run or showt indoors .I am going to try to work the hardest I can and allways listern to the teacher.

  11. Joe says:

    I’m looking forward to bogglehole because i have never been and i think it would be a good expirence.
    I’m going to try my very hardest in every subject and try to always do my home
    I will always put my hand up if i would like to talk and always be polite and make sure that i will smile and include everyone no mater what year there in.

  12. 14AHoadley says:

    I am looking fowerd to Art, English and School trips.
    To smile,have a talk and see if they want to play with you.
    not to litter and other things .
    To try to do sleep overs.

  13. 14AReedman says:

    q1 I am looking forward to going on school trip

    q2 help them

    q3 by folowing the school rools

    q4 harder work

  14. 14ZSharp says:

    I am most looking forward to going to boggle hole as it sounds really fun and exciting. I think you should be kind, smily and
    show your nice and kind personality to the new people at our school. Personally I think you try your hardest and moving on to new and harder subjects. I am going to try to get better at writing faster and getting better at spelling.

  15. Borys Rabczuk says:

    q1: I’am looking forward to all the school trips.q2:I can help people by being kind and helpful.q3: We can make the best school if we look after eachother.q4: I’am going to improve my Maths and English.

  16. 14JJones says:

    I am looking forward to all the new school trips and times tables I will get asked.

    Everyone who is new to the school I will help be kind to and respect them.

    To make our school the best it can be everyone must be respectful share and care for one another.

    I am going to try new subjectes that I have not learnt before and trynew ways to do maths.

  17. elodie says:

    Q1:I am looking forward to all the trips and having fun with my friends and my new teacher.
    Q2:You could play with them, help them and show them around if there lost.
    Q3:We can make our school better by picking up our litter,being kind,help each other,listen to your teacher,respect everyone

  18. Aaliyah says:

    Q1:I am most looking forward to doing all the fun lessons and all of the school trips and learning new things.
    Q2:I will help them by being a good friend and smiling letting them join in our games.
    Q3:We can help our school by being kind, friendly, behave our selfs use the Equipment probably.

  19. Archie says:

    This year I am most looking forword to is Bogohole and sports.This year I’m goind to try and improve all of the subjects
    we could make everyone in the school feel welcome if we be kind and help others.

  20. William hall says:

    Q.1 I am looking forward to school trips.Q.2I can be kind and respectful.Q.3By everyone being responisable.Q.4 being in the cheswick green football team.

  21. lucas says:

    hello im most exited to do science in year 5 its my favourite subject.

    be extra nice and help them settle in.

    always be nice and tell the teacher when somethink bothers you.

    doing more hard stuff.

  22. Year 1 says:

    Dylan is looking forward to being more grown up and having more independence in Year 1. Gwen and Isaac are looking forward to the year 1 trips especially the Safari Park! Jack is looking forward to having his own log in for ICT. Jay is looking forward to improving his reading. Alex is looking forward to football club. Holly is looking forward to the Teddy Bear’s picnic.
    We can smile, be friendly and kind to the new people to Cheswick Green school. We can help others to join our team.

    To make our school the best year 1 said that we all need to be kind and care about
    each other and work as a team. They all agreed that doing your best was important so you can do well at learning new things.

    In year 1 all the children are going to have spellings and going to work hard each week to learn them. We are going to try out new clubs and make new friends.

    We are all excited about joining a new class and starting our learning in Year 1.

  23. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 are looking forward to their new topics especially when we learn about castles and pirates! We chatted about how we all need to look after each other and help those people who are new to our school by being kind and helpful.

  24. Miss Payne says:

    Year 3 talked about our year ahead and said it was kind of like New Year where we make promises to ourselves about how we are going to behave and how we are going to work hard with our learning.

    We really enjoyed our summer holidays but some of use were glad to be back at school, with our friends and doing fun things with our teachers.

    We are going to make this the best year it can be!
    Year 3 are looking forward to going to Cadbury World, Christmas, learning about the Greeks and getting certificates in assembly!

  25. s14cpayne says:

    Year 3 are looking forward to an amazing year and are very excited for many reasons. We all shared one thing we are looking forward to and one thing we are going to work on this year.
    We have all agreed to make this year the best it can be because it is our first year in KS2!
    We shared the class rules and talked about the JIGSAW rules.
    Have a good year everyone!

  26. Year 4 says:

    Neli – I’m looking forward to the school trips in year 4
    Jack – I’m looking forward P.E and school trips
    Anaya – Maths and ICT
    Ellis – I will make people feel welcome by playing with people and being kind, asking if they want to sit next to me
    Jacob – I will make people welcome by playing with them
    Lily-Mae – We can keep our school neat and tidy by not throwing rubbish on the floor
    Riley – We can make our school the best it can be by following the rule of behaviour
    Zeb – I want to be better at handwriting
    Connor – I want to try and be better at maths this year
    Lexi – I want to get better at fraction work this year

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