1st July

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5 Responses to 1st July

  1. s14dnorris says:

    Foundation 2 really enjoyed singing the Keeping healthy song in Assembly.
    We had alot of discussion about what we thought exercise was. Maya and Eva felt that exercise was when you run around a block.
    Luke told us that if you exercise it makes you fit and Rio continued this on by saying it will make you strong.
    Foundation were a bit confused by keeping your heart happy – some thought if we make friends this makes our heart ‘happy’. Mrs Norris explained that this was a ‘feeling’ but there was ways we could make our heart happy/healthy. Dylan said the exercise would make our heart happy as it will pump the blood around our body and heart. Maya said we also need to eat fruit and vegetables.
    We talked about the importance of eating healthy and Eva said that if we eat lots of fruit and veg it will give us lots of energy.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 enjoyed the powerpoint and had lots to tell me about exercise and keeping fit. William told us that exercise is anything you do that involves moving around.
    Poppy said that exercise is important to keep us fit and healthy. Matilda said that exercise makes us strong. Archie said that the heart is a muscle that needs exercising to make it strong. Charlie said it has to pump blood around your body so needs to be healthy.
    Matthew told us that healthy food helps us to grow, makes you fit, keeps you strong and enables you to concentrate when you are working. Lots of the children came up with foods that are healthy. We talked about meat, fish, eggs and cheese which are food which give us protein. We talked about eating lots of fruits and vegetables and Matthew said that eating spinach is good for you. Poppy said milk is good for strong bones and teeth.
    Year 1 know that treats are ok but should be eaten occasionally and certainly not all the time. They know that we get energy from the food we eat.
    We loved sharing our thoughts!

  3. s14smiah says:

    Year 5:
    In Year 5 we do lots of different sports and exercise to keep ourselves fit. We know that it is very important and many of us enjoy keeping our bodies feeling healthy.

    What is exercise?
    It is when you get your heart pumping faster and get active. Some examples are sports, lifting weights, gym, running, swimming etc.

    Why is exercise important?
    – To keep you fit and healthy
    – To keep you happy and thinking positive
    – To make you stronger and help you progress
    – If you exercise it can sometimes help you get to sleep at night.
    – It’s a way of relaxing

    How can you make your heart happy?
    By exercising because it keeps your heart fit and healthy too. Sports can make it happy and also eating the correct, healthy options and having a balanced diet.

    How can you strengthen your muscles?
    You can do this in many different ways, for example: going to the gym, eat the correct foods, swimming, regular runs or walks and walking the dog. If you are busy, you could walk to work/school instead of drive or in your breaks go for a little walk. Some people have fit bits to keep track of their steps and fitness DVDs to use in your house.

    Why is healthy food important?
    Because it provides the nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. It is also important to maintain a balanced diet.

  4. s14ahaines says:

    Year 6 have just learnt about keeping healthy in Science.

    Exercise is physical activities which makes your heart beat faster, makes your breathing quicker and works your muscles.

    It is important because it keeps you healthy e.g. your bones grow strong, improves circulation, helps you sleep, strengthens your heart and muscles and improves your immune system.

    Healthy food is important because your body needs a balanced diet e.g. your bowels needs fibre.

    A healthy diet helps to prevent you from getting ill e.g. heart attack, diabetes.

  5. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 talked about exercise and the benefit of it. We talked about how keeping active and healthy can improve both your body and your mind.

    The children really enjoy doing ‘The Mile a Day’ in Year 4 along with ‘Supermovers’ both of which keep us active and alert for lessons.

    We spoke about all kids of healthy foods but also about the word ‘moderation’ when eating the things we really enjoy!

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