Assembly 11th February

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7 Responses to Assembly 11th February

  1. Year 1 says:

    Poppy-Mai told us that Della had her haircut and she sold it to a wigmaker to make some money so she could buy Jim a chain for his watch. Elliot told us that Jim sold his watch so he could buy some hair clips for Della to wear in her hair.
    William said they were both surprised by what each other had done . Edward said they were happy. Charlie tols us they found it funny and were laughing. Matthew said they were joyful.

    We talked about how we show love for the people we care about. Matilda buys her nanny flowers. Ben Buys his family presents at Christmas and for birthdays. Libby buys chocolates for her Mummy. Max says he takes his mummy to Costa for a treat. Elsie cleans the bathroom with her Mum. Elsie-Rai tidies her bedroom. Courtney helps to do the cooking. Noor-Ul says he hugs his family.
    We show love to everyone by sharing, being kind, being helpful, smiling and having good manners.

  2. Foundation 2 says:

    Holly said that Jim and Della where happy because they had thought about each other despite selling their treasured things.

    The children in Foundation show their love by – Valeria said that she give her mum a book, Sebby said he gives a kiss and cuddle and likes to make something, Eva said she puts a blanket over them and gives them food, Holly likes to play with someone and Maya said giving a kiss and cuddle and making a cup of tea.

    Holly said sharing out her sweets to everyone makes everyone happy. But we need to share and be kind all the time.

  3. Matthew Russell says:

    I love my mummy and daddy and Ella. We show each other we love each other by playing games together.

  4. s14cpayne says:

    Year 3 enjoyed the story about Jim and Della. THey both did something really hard to show they loved each other. Sometimes we show others how we love them in different ways. Showing love for people can be hard and easy. We show love for people we love by; messages, saying ‘I love you’, giving hugs, giving gifts, doing nice things for others, making them a cup of tea, helping them when they need help, doing jobs without being asked, writing letters.
    We will try hard this week to look after other people in the class and show love and kindness by the things we do.

  5. Alexander R. says:

    I love my mummy and my brother and my cute doggies. I write cards for my mum and my brother. We also hug each other, say “I love you” and play together.

  6. Year 6 says:

    Jim and Della showed they loved each other because they were telling each other what they wanted for Christmas. They sold very precious things (like her hair) to buy these gifts for each other.

    We think that they felt these emotions when they found out what had happened:
    -realisation that gifts aren’t important
    -sad that they had been silly

    Examples of how we show love to the people we care about:
    -give them presents
    -showing them affection
    -not turning them down
    – being a consistent friend or family member
    -not putting them down – picking them up – giving them compliments
    -showing them that you care
    -recognising them all the time not just on special occassions
    -making them laugh
    – showing them manners
    – showing them respect
    -tell them you love them
    -do they things they like
    -be thoughful

    Examples of how we show love to everyone:
    – show respect
    -treat everyone the same
    -include everyone
    -be polite to everyone
    -be kind to everyone
    -make them laugh

  7. Year 5 says:

    Year 5:
    How did Jim and Della show that they loved each other?
    They didn’t have enough money but they both got rid of something really special to them (Jim sold his watch and Della sold her hair) to buy the other person someting they wanted. Jim brought Della a hair clip and Della brought Jim a chain for his watch.

    How do you think Jim and Della felt after they found out about what they had each done?
    We think they felt happy because they had both done something kind towards each other however they also might have felt sad because they had lost an item that went with the gift they had been brought.

    How do you show love for the people you care about? How do you show love towards everyone?
    Give them hugs and kisses, buy them things, create special handshakes, taking the time to listen and talk them, respect them, include everyone, give them a tissue if they are crying and help them if they are upset.

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