21st May

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4 Responses to 21st May

  1. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 enjoyed reverend Vicki’s assembly about respect. Alice said we should respect our family.
    Jacob said we should respect our school and Zeb said we should respect our world. As well as the people mentioned
    in the assembly, Zachary and Freya said we should respect our friends and the Royal family.
    We discussed the story of Jesus in the temple and the children thought that Jesus was showing the people respect.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 have a great understanding of respect. They enjoyed naming the people who help us in the pictures and talking about why we should respect them. We also added the Royal family, Mums and Dads, brothers and sisters, the vet, the optician, visitors, the dentist, the cook, the cleaner, friends and our relatives.
    The places we should respect are houses, hotels, restaurants, the shops, the library, the park, the church, places of interest like Cadbury World and National Trust homes. We talked a lot about respecting our environment by looking after things and not dropping litter.
    The children told me that it was the people selling and trading in the temple that were not showing respect. Jesus was angry as they were making money in a place of prayer, a holy place where they should have been showing respect to God. Jesus was trying hard to do God’s work.
    In year 1 we show respect by listening to others when they are talking, being kind to others, being polite, holding the door open for others, sharing, speaking nicely, helping others and looking after the people and places where we live and work.

  3. Myrtle Dwyer says:

    I would be respectful to the police because their job is to help us keep safe. I would be respectful to the nurse because they help us to get well when we poorly. I show respect to the dentist because they help us to keep our teeth healthy and clean. I am respectful to Mummy and Daddy because they help us with anything that we need to do and to my brothers as well. I always try to respect everyone.

  4. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 enjoyed Rev Vicki’s assembly on respect and learnt a lot. We have discussed respect as a class and decided that you need to show respect to all adults, children and animals by listening to them, being polite and considerate and caring for those who may need your help.
    In the story, it was Ebeneezer who was not showing respect because he only let in wealthy adults and excluded the poor, children and the disabled.

    Some ways we can show respect are by listening to others, letting others play with us when they ask, respecting the classroom by helping to keep it tidy, looking after the property of others, helping others when they hurt themselves, listening and respecting our teachers, being grateful to those who look after us, saying please and thank you and finding nice things to say to each other.
    We need to respect our Gods, our friends, firefighters and other emergency service workers, our families, teachers, soldiers and everyone else.

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