30th April

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3 Responses to 30th April

  1. Year 1 says:

    Lots of children in year 1 shared stories about when their friends had been kind to them and how it made them feel. Sebastian said that Ava and Scarlett are always kind to him when he asks them if he can play. he said they always so yes and that makes him feel happy. He knows he can rely on them! Freddie said that Harry always plays with him on the playground when he feels lonely. He said that makes him happy inside. Charlie said that Nathan did some good team work with him challenging him to set the clock to tell different times and he was always kind and polite. Charlie said that Nathan is always kind and is a special friend. Ellie said her Aunty gave her a special toy cat that she had when she was little and that was a very kind thing to do. It made her happy and she is going to look after it really well. Riley said his brother Reuben is kind when he shares his toys and Riley likes to be kind back and share his things with his brother.

    All the children said they tried to be kind to others. Riley said his Nanny had sent him a lovely card and to show her that he loved her and to say thank you for her kindness, he went to the shops with his Mummy and chose her favourite flowers. Dexter told us he had given his Nanny some chocolates when she had taken care of him when he was poorly.

    The children listened carefully to the story about Ghandi and Imogen told us that Ghandi was kind and had thought carefully because one shoe would be no good to him, so he had tried to help someone else by throwing his shoes off the train. She said the person finding the shoes would benefit from Ghandi’s kindness.

    We are all going to try hard this week to be kind to each other.

  2. Foundation says:

    Max says that Rueben and Finley were kind because they came and played with him when he had no one to play with.
    Madison says Phoebe was kind because she came and looked after her when she wasn’t feeling well.

    Elliot says when your showing kindness you must say ‘Are you all right?’ Elsie-Rai says you can show kindness by being a good friend. William says he was kind because he gave his favourite snow flake to Elliot after someone ripped his.

    The children in foundation enjoyed the story of Ghandi and think it was very kind of him to leave his shoes for someone who needed them.

  3. Year 2 says:

    Today we talked about kindness. Charlie, Keeleigh, Gracie, Archie and Connor told us about when someone was kind to them. We also heard that Demi likes to turn people’s frowns upside down by being kind to others even when they are rude or grumpy.


    Lily says that even though Ghandi was in a hurry he still had time to be kind and took the time to think of someone else. Georgia says there are lots of different ways to show kindness.

    We say in Year 2 – PASS ON THE KINDNESS!

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