19th March

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5 Responses to 19th March

  1. Year 5 says:

    We learned that Easter bonnets are linked to spring and to Jesus rising from the dead. They are decorated with feathers, chicks and rabbits.

    What we are going to do differently after Easter:
    Daisy B will go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier so her mum doesn’t have to tell her off. Chloe said she was going to eat more healthily. Kya is not going to play on the computer so long. Poppy wants to work on improving her football skills. Georgia P said she will work at being more sociable. Satra is going to help her mum by doing more chores and vacuuming under her bed. Blake says he wants to do more with his dad, like watching films, instead of playing on his own on his X- box

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 really enjoyed Reverend Vicki’s assembly and learning all about the Easter bonnet. They told me that the Easter bonnet represents new life. They found out about phrases ‘I take my hat off to you’ and ‘keep it under your hat.’ Christians are thankful and remember the sacrifices that Jesus made.
    After Easter Luke is looking forward to playing out on his trampoline. Maisie is looking forward to playing in her garden. Harry will be joining a football club. Oscar is going to learn to ride his bike without stabilisers. lee is going to learn some football tricks with his Dad. Freddie wants to improve in his reading and Dexter says he will continue to work hard at his writing. Finley said he wants to make good choices.
    Scarlett, Zunnurain and Leah will be doing an Easter egg hunt. Ellie is going on holiday to Devon and so is Oscar. Riley will be going out for Easter lunch. Everybody in Year 1 is looking forward to the break.

  3. s14cbryan says:

    Year 4
    We think that the Easter Bonnet story represents the fact that Jesus’ followers wanted to keep his ressurection a secret.
    We also believe that part of the reason his ressurection was kept secret was because the people who had put Jesus on the cross would try and do it again.
    We will be celebrating by exchanging choclate eggs, these eggs represent new life in the world.
    Lots of us also enjoy a special meal with our families.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Easter bonnets are hats with decorations on. They represent new life and a fresh start.

    Things we will try to do after Easter:
    -read more.
    -listen more.
    -eat healthier.
    -do more exercise.
    -go to bed earlier.
    -wake up earlier.
    -help more.
    -spend more time with my family and friends.
    -try not to worry as long as I’m doing my best.

    Examples of how we will celebrate Easter:
    -Easter eggs.
    -Easter egg hunts.
    -Easter crafts.
    -Making Easter bonnets.
    -Family meals.

  5. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 love Easter because of the chocolate. Lots of children will be going away on holiday with their families. Some families have a special roast lamb dinner.
    Easter is a time to think about the sacrifice of Jesus and forgiveness. It’s an important time of year for Christians all over the world. That is why Easter is considered a fresh start – you can wipe the slate clean and start again.
    Look up to the stars – reach high for your goals.
    Meteorology is the study of atmosphere and weather. Year 2 could remember some of the clouds they learnt about last Year in Science!

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