More Saving and Spending

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18 Responses to More Saving and Spending

  1. Charlie Wells says:

    Charlie really enjoyed the story, he liked the ending when the Little Croc shared the piggy bank with the bad guy. He said he would share his reward with his dad!

  2. Lily-grace says:

    Lily said she enjoyed the story because the crocodile gave the purse back to the owner with
    the money inside. Yes he made a good decision, another crocodile (lily forgot the name) told him to keep the money but he didnt, the crocodile got to keep the purse with the money inside as a reward and he wanted to buy new shoes. Lily said if she got s reward she would buy some new earrings

  3. Myrtle Dwyer says:

    I did enjoy the story because it was interesting. If I was given a reward I would say thank you. I think Little Croc made a good decision because he was honest. It’s good to be honest because then people are happy and pleased with you.

  4. Sebastian says:

    Yes I enjoyed the story because little croc went to the police station .
    Yes little croc made a good decision .
    Murdock tried to persuade him to keep the purse and the money
    Mrs Doolally gave little croc Her purse and money.
    I woul buy myself some Lego.

  5. Lee says:

    I enjoyed the story because he returned the purse he found. He made the correct decision and doc croc tried to make he keep the money. She gave him the money & purse to keep. She took the photo as it ment a lot to her. I would save the money in a money box

  6. Ellie says:

    Yes i liked the story I like how little croc gave the money back to in owner. Even though his friends tried t get him to keep the money he made the right decision to give it back. Little croc was rewarded by being allowed to keep the money which he used to by new shoes and toys. If I had reward money I was buy LOL dolls.

  7. Leah says:

    I liked this story when croc found the purse he wanted to take it to the police but people told him to keep it. He didn’t and Mrs doolally gave him the purse as a reward. He spent some saved some and shared some money. If I was given a reward I would save some and spend some of it.

  8. Toby says:

    I liked the story because he was honest. If i was given a reward i would keep it special to me.

  9. zunnurain says:

    zunnurain enjoyed the story. I loved all of the start. Zunnurain recognises all the coins. mrs doolally rewarded him with the purse.He spent it.I would say thankyou.

  10. Oliver Roberts says:

    Oliver said he enjoyed the story because he said he loved the bit where the crocodile gave the purse to the lady crocodile. Oliver said he made a good decision. Oliver said he got some red boots with his reward. Oliver said he would go and buy super mario 3D land for his d’s.

  11. Riley O’Connor says:

    Riley said he enjoyed the story, he said little croc made a good decision.
    Mrs doolaly tried to persuade him to keep the money.
    Mrs Doolaly rewarded him with money for his honesty.
    Little croc bought red boots that he’d been dreaming about with his reward.
    Riley said he would buy games for his Nintendo.

  12. Harry Wilson says:

    Yes I liked the story because Little Croc gave back the purse and he went to the police station to hand it in. The police then found the owner of the purse. Little Croc made a good decision because it wasn’t his purse. Mrs Doolally reward Little Croc with the purse and then he bought a pair of red boots. If I had a reward I would buy a new football.

  13. Sophie ismay says:

    I enjoyed the story about little croc. Little croc gave the purse back to the owner with the money inside . I liked that bit the best. It was the right thing to do, not keeping the money.
    I would buy a new necklace and candy with the reward money

  14. Ethan Jeffery says:

    I enjoyed the story.
    Mrs Doolaly gave little Croc a reward.
    I would keep it safe in my bedroom, in my piggy bank.

  15. Amelia says:

    little croc found a purse lying on the ground and he picked it up and Murdock tried to pursude him to keep the money. Little croc took it into the police station and handed it in, a lady came in to claim it and she was very pleased, she gave the purse of money to little croc as a reward.
    I enjoyed the story, because little croc did a good deed and returned the money to its owner.

  16. Ava Jamieson says:

    Ava loved the story especially where Mrs Doolally rewarded little croc with her purse. She made a good decision. Murdoch tried to persuade Little croc to keep the money but Little croc didn’t and that was the right thing to do. If Ava was given a reward she would buy some more Barbie dolls!

  17. Olivia Padgett says:

    Little Croc wanted to give it to Mrs Doolaly .If I was given a reward I get some LEGO!

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