12th February

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12 Responses to 12th February

  1. s14cpayne says:

    We enjoyed listening to Rev. Vicky this morning and she shared with us information about the Chinese New Year and this Year it’s the Year of the Dog. Nian is a story about a man who frightened the animals. The rat won the race because he was smart and rode on the Ox’s back. Then the rat was the first animal celebrated in the Chinese New Year.

    Christians celebrate the Lent in different ways. Rev. Vicky told us that Lent is 40 days of preparation for Easter. Adah remembered that tomorrow is Pancake Day and it’s called Shrove Tuesday. Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted. We all celebrate Easter in about 7 weeks. Everybody in Year 2 celebrates Easter in different ways.

    During Lent some people give up chocolate. Mrs Gibson said she is going to do this! Other people give up other things to focus on Easter that is coming.

  2. Year 5 says:

    Year 5 really enjoyed the assembly with Rev. Vicky this morning.

    What did you learn about the Chinese New Year?
    We found out that each year has a different animal and it is in order of who came first to last in the race across the river.
    Who is Nian? How was Nian scared away?
    Nian was a monster who was scared away by bright colours and fireworks.
    Why is the rat the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac?
    Because he won the race although he cheated.
    What is 2018 the Year of for the Chinese?
    The year of the dog.
    What did you learn about how Christians prepare for Easter?
    We found out that on Wednesday Christians start celebrating the 40 days of lent where they have to give up things.
    What is Lent?
    It is where you give up something for 40 days.
    What do some Christians do during the time of Lent?
    Rev Vicky gets a new book instead of giving something up.
    Why do Christians do this?
    They do it to follow in Jesus’s footsteps.

  3. Foundation says:

    In Foundation this morning we looked at the story of the emporer and the origins of the chinese zodiac. Matilda told us about the naughty rat who pushed the cat into the water when he climbed onto the ox, so he could be the first to cross the line. Throughout the week we have been learning which year we were each born in.
    Dylan told us that 2018 is the year of the dog. We have been busy making the chinese dog in class.
    Mrs Norris talked to us about Shove Tuesday and Lent leading up to Easter.

    The children in Foundation would like to know which year of the Chinese zodiac were you born in Miss Mason…

  4. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 learnt that there is a different animal that represents each year in the Chinese calendar and it was decided by a race that all the animals took part in. The rat is the first animal in the Chinese zodiac because he came first in the race. He did however cheat in the race as he jumped on the ox’s back to get him across the river quickly.
    Reverend Vicki told the children that 2018 is the year of the Dog.

    Year 1 learnt that Christians prepare for Easter by celebrating Lent which starts on Shrove Tuesday when we eat up all the rich foods by making pancakes and then lots of Christians give up something in the lead up to Easter. Sweets and chocolate are always popular choices and Mrs Gibson said she is going to try really hard to give up chocolate. They remembered Jesus in the desert.

    In Year 1 the children are looking forward to celebrating Easter with lots of chocolate Easter eggs.

  5. Harry y6 says:

    Nain was scared of loud noises
    The rat was first because he jumped on the ox’s back

    Lent is 40 days before Easter when there are relections and preparations before Easter

  6. Toby says:

    What is lent?Lent is when you give up something for 40 days.
    I do not celebrate chinese new year or lent.

  7. marco says:

    I learnt that the rat won the race by cheating because he jumped onto the ox’s back
    hes a bad person and he was mean to animals
    nian was scared away from bright colours and loud noises
    because the rat won the race
    its the dog year in 2018
    they celebrate 40 days of lent
    its when you give up for 40 days
    they celebrate pankake day and valentimes day
    to follow jesus

  8. Charlie bown says:

    I learned that the monster hates light!
    Nian was the monster that terrorised people on Chinese new year and he was scared away by bright light.

  9. 14ftaylor says:

    Nian was scared away by bright colours and loud noises.I learnt that the rat cheated in the race by jumping on the ox’s back then the rat won the race. The two storys tried to say that never cheat.During the 40 days before easter christians celebrate pancake day on shrove Tuesday and on ash Wednesday is valantines day.For this year its the dog that is celebrated for this year on chinese new year

  10. 14bbaker says:

    The animals had a race to mark which year they reprosented on the chinese zodiac.The Nian is a monster that comes out every chinese new year. They scared the nian away with bright lights and loud noises.

  11. 14ewoodward says:

    The Friday 15th February it is new year for chinese

  12. Class3 says:

    Year 3 enjoyed Rev Vicki telling them the story about The Chinese new Year. They thought it was funny how the years were chosen. This year is the year of the dog so we all talked about who has dogs as pets and that it was a special year for them!
    In year 3 some of us had our special lunch and ate pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. We are looking forward to Easter and eat lots of chocolate and Easter Eggs!

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