11th October 21

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4 Responses to 11th October 21

  1. s14smiah says:


    What do you think trying your best means?
    Dylan – trying hard until you achieve something
    Tom – never giving up

    Why is always trying your best so important?
    Lily – it keeps you feeling positive and make you believe in yourself

    Is there anything that you would really like to be the best in the world at doing?
    Lexi – at hockey
    Keeyen – basketball
    Lily – gymnastics
    Tom – football
    Ada – netball
    Archie – cricket
    Elijah – Scientist
    Connor – cooking
    Hannah – horseriding

    How many hours of practice do experts think it takes to be the best in the world?
    Anaya – 10 000 hours

    What did you learn about Steven in the assembly?
    Georgia – he believed in himself and never gave up even when it was really difficult.
    Ada – he fractured his skull

    Did Steven become the best in the world?
    Connor – I think yes because even thought he did fracture his skull and break his leg, he still tried his best
    Georgia – I think he came very very close to being the best in the world
    Lexi – I don’t think he was because he only won because the others fell over

  2. Mrs Arnold says:

    What do you think trying your best means?
    Molly B – You keep going even if you arent very good at the beginning.
    Imogen A – Dont give up and always try your best.

    Why is always trying your best so important?
    Aiden – If you want to do a good job at something you have to keep trying.

    Is there anything that you would really like to be the best in the world at doing?
    Jenny – Drawing
    Lilianna – Baking and Ballet
    Emma – Ice skater
    Keira – Swimming

    How many hours of practice do experts think it takes to be the best in the world?
    Finnley – 10,000 hours

  3. Year 1 says:

    Esme said that trying your best means working very hard at all times. Morwenna says that trying your best is about not giving up. Chloe said that it means trying things and persevering.
    Orla told us that trying hard is important for good learning and success. Minnie told us it is important because you can improve.
    I asked the children what they would like to be world class at doing. They had lots of thoughts.
    – horse riding (Minnie)
    -footballer (Kyton)
    -swimming (Annabelle)
    -rock climbing (Mason)
    -jumpimg (Morwenna)
    -singing (Esme)
    -dancing (Rosie)
    Experts say that it will take 10,000 hours of practice to be world class. (Elsie)
    Year 1 enjoyed listening to the story of Steven. Morwenna told us that Steven never gave up and that he didn’t lose sight of his goal. We all enjoyed watching Steven achieve his gold medal and his olympic dream. The classroom was so quiet as we were all willing him to succeed and do well.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What does trying your best mean?
    Jenson- keep going even if it’s hard
    Georgia- being determined

    Why is it important?
    Courtney- it helps you get better at things
    Finley- makes you proud of yourself
    We talked about it helping and improving our skills. We agreed that trying our best was a great skill for life!

    What would you like to be best at?
    Joe- football and scoring more goals
    Georgia- horse riding and winning competitions
    Archie and Finley want to be world class at skateboarding

    As a class, we were shocked with how many hours are needed to perfect something! We talked about many sports stars who have had to work incredibly hard and show amazing discipline to achieve the success they’ve had!

    After watching the video about Steven, we listed words to describe him…
    determined, hard working, passionate, brave, strong, patient, skilled, clever and a role model to us all. We agreed that these are skills we would like to have too!

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